After 30 years of PMO – I kept an an erection during intercourse for the first time ever in my life

82 days is a weird number to post about, but I hit a big milestone today. Quick background. I’m divorced and had married my first girlfriend (and first sexual partner). That lasted over a decade and I am ashamed to admit that PMO caused me to have almost no sex life. The divorce wasn’t solely […]

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My erection is back. My head is love for my wife is stronger and I’m looking to the future with a smile

Ok so I’ve been clean since November 2013. I quit all porn,fantasy,constsantly thinking about sex  & daily M but decided to take the long route and continue trying to have sex with my wife. December & January was tough, and I mean tough! I had serious depression…absolutely no libido at all.I had thoughts that would […]

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Cured my ED – returned to porn & developed ED again – now almost cured

Porn has poisoned my mind. I’ve been attempting on and off for the past 2 years. Initially my journey began due to Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction. I was in the process of losing my virginity and little Richard didn’t wanna play long tall sally. It was de-moralising but I discovered and subsequently also discovered […]

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