Research Mentioning the Binge-Trigger Concept

COMMENTS: This provides evidence for our theory of a binge cycle as described in our videos.

Here’s a quote:

The weight gain was due to both an increase in appetite and reduced calorie expenditure. This effect of insulin could constitute an evolutionary adaptation by the body to an irregular food supply and extended periods of hunger: if an excess supply of high-fat food is temporarily available, the body can lay down energy reserves particularly effectively through the action of insulin.


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Does porn addiction cause irreversible damage to the brain?

It’s a common and erroneous belief that addiction equals “harm” to the brain, or that addiction is caused by “damage” to the brain. While certain addictive substances (meth, alcohol) can be neurotoxic, addiction is caused by a specific constellation of brain changes that are not necessarily classified as “brain damage”. Debunking the damage as addiction […]

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Gary Wilson’s comment on Rebuttal by Reid, et al

Reid, et al are certainly correct that not all compulsive porn users are the same. In fact, I’m sure Hilton and Watts would agree that there are porn users with serious issues, such as AIDS or mental illness, who benefit from counseling and medication. We see a few of them on our forum, too. We also agree that it is not helpful to those recovering to imply they have permanent brain damage, although it’s doubtful this was Hilton and Watt’s intent in explaining the relevance of hypofrontality research.


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Can Pornography Use Become An Actual Brain Addiction? (2011)

COMMENTS: This a lay version of Dr. Hilton’s “Pornography Addiction: A Neuroscience Perspective”, that is found in this same section. he makes some interesting points about mirror neurons and deltafosb, that we have yet to discuss. He is convinced, as we are, that natural rewards can be addictive and cause the same fundamental brain changes as drugs. We emphasize how dopamine is affected by the novelty of Internet porn, the seeking of users, ever shocking material. Our point is that Internet porn is different from porn of the recent past in how it affects the dopamine systems.


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(L) Can Pornography Use Become An Actual Brain Addiction? (2011)

COMMENTS: This a lay version of Dr. Hilton’s “Pornography Addiction: A Neuroscience Perspective”, that is found in this same section. he makes some interesting points about mirror neurons and deltafosb, that we have yet to discuss. He is convinced, as we are, that natural rewards can be addictive and cause the same brain changes as drugs. We emphasize how dopamine is affected by the novelty of Internet porn, the seeking of users, ever shocking material. Our point is that Internet porn is different from porn of the recent past in how it affects the dopamine systems.


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We can loosely define hypofrontality as a decline in frontal lobe functioning and metabolism. It’s one of the major brain changes caused by an addiction process. Hypo mean less than normal or deficient. Frontal refers to the frontal lobes, or prefrontal lobes. Alternately we can use the terms frontal cortex or prefrontal cortex also. However, […]

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DeltaFosB Overexpression In The Nucleus Accumbens Enhances Sexual Reward In Female Syrian Hamsters (2009)

COMMENTS: ΔFosB is a chemical necessary for addictions to occur. Both drug and behavioral addictions correlate with an accumulation of Delta FosB. Block Delta FosB and the addiction ceases. Here it is shown that sexual experience increases Delta FosB, and leads to a sensitization of the reward center. Sensitization causes an higher release of dopamine […]

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