The Influence of ΔFosB in the Nucleus Accumbens on Natural Reward Related Behavior (2008)

COMMENTS: Delta FosB is one the primary molecules of addiction. It rises, or accumulates, during an addiction process, reinforcing addictive behavior and rewiring of the brain. It rises whether the addiction is chemical or behavioral. This study shows that it accumulates during sexual activity and consumption of sugar. Researchers also found that sexual activity increased the consumption of sugar. Delta FosB may be involved in one addiction reinforcing another addiction. The question is – how does “over consumption” of porn affect Delta FosB?


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The Influence of ΔFosB in the Nucleus Accumbens on Natural Reward Related Behavior (2008)

COMMENTS: Delta FosB is one the primary molecules of addiction. It rises, or accumulates, during an addiction process, reinforcing addictive behavior and rewiring of the brain. It rises whether the addiction is chemical or behavioral. This study shows that it accumulates during sexual activity and consumption of sugar. Researchers also found that sexual activity increased the consumption of sugar. Delta FosB may be involved in one addiction reinforcing another addiction. The question is – how does “over consumption” of porn affect Delta FosB?


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Any suggestions for healing porn-induced delayed ejaculation (DE) or anorgasmia?

Delayed ejaculation may be the result of a numbed pleasure response in the brain

Many porn users report that delayed ejaculation was a precursor to their erectile dysfunction. Years of porn use can cause a variety of symptoms, which when examined, lie on a spectrum. Desensitization of the reward circuitry is at the root of these various symptoms, which include:

There are no scientific studies that say porn is addictive, right?

This FAQ is now obsolete as the world’s most widely used medical diagnostic manual, The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), contains a new diagnosis suitable for porn addiction and cybersex addiction: “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder.” The current state of the scientific research supports the existence of porn addiction and porn-induced sexual dysfunctions. For example, a […]

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What do I say to my partner?

Said a friend, who discovered that her otherwise upstanding husband had begun using risky Internet pornography in his seventies:

Women need to deal with their feelings of anger, disgust and rejection. In my case, and I am certain I am not alone in this experience, it is the denial, counter-accusation and lying that fuel my fury.


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Rebooting as psychic surgery

Recovery from any addiction is an intense time in a person’s life. Recovery is akin to an overhaul of the personality. Its a kind of psychic surgery that a recovering addict is forced to perform on him/herself by what seems like the cruel hands of a god. It is a time of intense personal growth […]

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