DE and PIED cured. Change your default to sex and away from masturbation

Where the focus should be is in the process, in the rewiring part, in changing your default mechanism to S and M without P. And to deal with problems in life with healthier solutions, like emotional intelligence, taking responsibility instead of always being a victim, developing new healthy habits, not being in toxic relationships or […]

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My view of women has changed drastically, and I don’t find unrealistic girls attractive as much as I used to

Wow. I never thought in my life that I would get to this milestone. No porn for 90 days. This has not been easy but I can tell you the benefits have been tremendous. Let me start by saying these troubles you are facing today are meant to be there in order for you to […]

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16 Principles of Recovery

I’m 100 days into my own recovery/reboot effort, without P, PMO, MO, and with minimal p-subs or edging. I’ve also hit lengthy streaks before as well. What tips can I offer others to help them be more successful in their journey? Each of these principles have helped me in my own successful recovery efforts. And […]

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Dopamine desensitisation is a real thing – I’ve felt better than I have in many, many months.

So, I’m nearing 50 days now, and one thing that’s really stood out to me is how different I’ve felt for the last week or two. I’ve felt more engaged, more social, smaller things seem to make me happier. I’ve found myself reconnecting with friends who I’d neglected to interact with for so long. The […]

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