90 days – More attractive to girls, stronger, harder erections, aroused by physical intimacy

Today is the big day! Following 9 years of PMO addiction, I completed my first 90 day hardmode (well, monk mode technically) reboot ever! This honestly feels amazing, I’m in a daze. I know I’m not out of the woods and that I could still relapse in the future, but I feel happy about this […]

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Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “RealYourBrainOnPorn.com” and “ScienceOfArousal.com”)

Table of contents covering realyourbrainonporn.com: Porn Science Deniers Alliance engages in unlawful trademark infringement of YourBrainOnPorn.com At long last, the Alliance (RealYBOP experts) openly functions as an agenda-driven collective RealYBOP experts are being compensated by porn industry giant xHamster to promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction & sex addiction are myths They […]

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Age 27 – PIED cured. My perception of myself and the world widened. I feel like doing things I haven’t done before. I feel alive.

It’s a miracle come true. It’s a dream that’s been accomplished. It gives hope to other things in life. It gives us a new way of thinking to solve our problems. Gentlemen I don’t usually write online forums at all. However when I passed through this phase of change, and realised that it is possible […]

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Sex on the Brain: What Brain Plasticity Teaches About Internet Porn (2014), Norman Doidge, MD

Excerpts: “We are in the midst of a revolution in sexual and romantic tastes unlike any other in history, a social experiment being performed on children and teenagers… What clinicians don’t know much about, yet, is how we shall help teenagers, whose sexual tastes are being influenced by porn, because this level of porn exposure […]

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Is porn making my social anxiety/confidence/depression/anxiety/OCD/bipolar worse?

Porn addiction and social anxietySaid a recovering porn user:

I knew I was more than I appeared to be. More knowledgeable, funnier, more socially intelligent. I had all of these skills, but I couldn’t use them. It was like driving a Ferrari and being stuck in 1st gear.


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Age 36 – For the past month I am really enjoying sex and maintaining long lasting erections

36 years old. After the one year milestone I experienced satisfaction and disappointment. Satisfaction for having reached that milestone. Disappointment because I felt I wasn’t cured yet. I also dated a girl (for the first time in three years) for two months from march to may but did not work, among other things because a […]

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