Current diagnostic procedures and interventions for Gaming Disorders: A Systematic Review (2019)

Front. Psychol., 27 March 2019 | Sebastiano Costa1 and Daria J. Kuss2* 1Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Caserta, Italy 2Department of Psychology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom Background: Despite the growth in the number of studies on Gaming Disorders (GD), assessing the characteristics of clinical subjects is still […]

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A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Epidemiology of Risky Sexual Behaviors in College and University Students in Ethiopia, 2018 (2019)

Journal of Environmental and Public Health Volume 2019, Article ID 4852130, 8 pages Tadele Amare ,1 Tebikew Yeneabat,2 and Yohannes Amare3 1Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine and Health Science, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia 2Department of Midwifery, College of Health Sciences, Debre Markos University, Debre Markos, Ethiopia 3Department of Internal Medicine, College of […]

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Determinants of the Pornography Exposure Effects on Junior and Senior High School Adolescence in Sanggau District, West Kalimantan (2019)

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 3 First page : ( 941) Last page : ( 945) Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506. Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.00623.5 Suwarni Linda1,*, Abrori1, Widyanto Ronny1 1Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak, A. Yani Street, West Kalimantan, 78124 *Corresponding Author: Linda Suwarni, Departement of […]

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The true toll of porn: Girls who hate their bodies and young men who can’t perform in relationships – by a GP who’s seen the harm it does to teens (Daily Mail)

A doctor  reveals how girls as young as 15 have come to her about removing hair She says that teenagers don’t know how to refuse sexual advances from partners One male, 23, was unable to perform sexually after watching too much porn  Around 1.4mil children in the UK visited a pornographic website in just 1 […]

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Development and Validation of the Problematic Media Use Measure: A Parent Report Measure of Screen Media “Addiction” in Children (2019)

Psychol Pop Media Cult. 2019 Jan;8(1):2-11. doi: 10.1037/ppm0000163. Domoff SE1,2, Harrison K3, Gearhardt AN4, Gentile DA5, Lumeng JC2,6,7, Miller AL2,8. Abstract Although problematic media use among adolescents is of wide interest, less is known regarding problematic media use among younger children. The current study reports on the development and validation of a parent-report measure of […]

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Nicole Prause & David Ley libelous claim that Gary Wilson was fired from Southern Oregon University

Update (August, 2020): Serial defamer & harasser Nicole Pause loses lawsuits to Gary Wilson. In August of 2020 court rulings fully exposed Nicole Prause as the perpetrator, not the victim. In March of 2020, Prause sought a groundless temporary restraining order (TRO) against me using fabricated “evidence” and her usual lies (falsely accusing me of stalking). […]

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Coercive and problematic use of online sexual material and sexual behavior among university students in northern Mexico (2019)

Valdez-Montero, Carolina, Raquel A. Benavides-Torres, Dora Julia Onofre-Rodríguez, Lubia Castillo-Arcos, and Mario Enrique Gámez-Medina. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity (2019): 1-13. Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the coercive and problematic use of sexual online material related to the sexual behavior of university students in two cities in Northern Mexico. The design that […]

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Is my fetish porn-induced?

NOTE: This page contains multiple self-reports by people (some of whom are more politically correct than others), who concluded that their porn tastes influenced their sexual tastes after they quit porn and noticed their tastes reverting. These self-reports are taken from porn recovery forums. YBOP excerpts them pretty much as they are, and their authors’ […]

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A Comparison of Sexual Arousal in Men Exposed to Visual Stimuli With and Without Facial Blurring (2019)

 February22, 2019 Abstract The role of the facial images in arousal and attraction has been examined before but never via penile plethysmography (PPG). This retrospective chart review aimed to determine the significance and magnitude of differences in arousal measured by PPG in 1,000 men exposed to slide stimuli with or without facial blurring in […]

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