Empirical support for “The Great Porn Experiment” – TEDx Glasgow (2012): Page 1

Introduction This page, and a second page, provide empirical support for claims put forth in The Great Porn Experiment | Gary Wilson | TEDxGlasgow (and The Demise of Guys, by Philip Zimbardo). Each PowerPoint slide and associated text is accompanied by (1) the original supporting citations/sources, followed by (2) supporting studies and clinical evidence published […]

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Sexually Explicit Online Media, Body Satisfaction, and Partner Expectations Among Men who have Sex with Men: a Qualitative Study (2017)

Sex Res Social Policy. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 Oct 2. Sex Res Social Policy. 2017 Sep; 14(3): 270–274. Published online 2016 Jul 28. doi:  10.1007/s13178-016-0248-7 PMCID: PMC5624736 NIHMSID: NIHMS824032 Emily Leickly,1 Kimberly Nelson,1,2 and Jane Simoni1 Abstract Limited research has investigated the perceived influence of sexually explicit online media (SEOM) on body satisfaction […]

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(CAUSE) Taking Facebook at face value: why the use of social media may cause mental disorder (2017)

Authors Søren Dinesen Østergaard First published: 21 September 2017 DOI: 10.1111/acps.12819 Cited by (CrossRef): 0 articles Last updated 27 September 2017 Facebook, the largest social media network, currently has approximately 2 billion monthly users [1], corresponding to more than 25% of the world’s population. While the existence of an online social network may seem harmless […]

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Sexologists Deny Porn-induced ED by Claiming Masturbation Is the Problem

Since 2016, an audacious red herring has insinuated itself into the tweets and blogs of some AASECT sexologists: the notion that PIED (porn-induced erectile dysfunction) is caused by masturbation. Without offering any scientific support, this band of porn-apologists has determined to persuade us that porn is not behind the recent rise of coital ED in […]

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Prevalence and correlates of comorbid depression in a nonclinical online sample with DSM-5 internet gaming disorder (2017)

J Affect Disord. 2017 Aug 10;226:1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.08.005. Wang HR1, Cho H1, Kim DJ2. Abstract BACKGROUND: We investigated the prevalence and correlates of comorbid depression among patients with internet gaming disorder using the Internet Gaming Disorder scale (IGD-9) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) among nonclinical online survey respondents. METHODS: Korean adolescents and adults from […]

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Problematic gaming behavior among Finnish junior high school students: Relation to socio-demographics and gaming behavior characteristics (2017)

Behav Med. 2017 Sep 14:0. doi: 10.1080/08964289.2017.1378608. Männikkö N1,2, Ruotsalainen H1, Demetrovics Z3, Lopez-Fernandez O4,5, Myllymäki L1, Miettunen J1,6, Kääriäinen M1,6. Abstract Multi-platform digital media use and gaming have been increased in recent years. The aim of this study was to examine associations between socio-demographics and digital gaming behavior characteristics (i.e., gaming time, medium, and […]

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A response to Jarryd Bartle’s article “Relax Folks! Pornography is Not the End of Civilisation”

Jarryd Bartle’s article “Relax Folks! Pornography is Not the End of Civilisation” cherry picks a few random studies and cites a one-page letter to the editor to support claims, while simultaneously ignoring the vast preponderance of evidence. Bartle is employed by the “The Eros Association“, which calls itself – Australia’s adults-only industry association. Please note […]

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Rape-myth congruent beliefs in women resulting from exposure to violent pornography: Effects of alcohol and sexual arousal (2006)

Davis, Kelly Cue, Jeanette Norris, William H. George, Joel Martell, and Julia R. Heiman.  Journal of Interpersonal Violence 21, no. 9 (2006): 1208-1223. Abstract Previous research findings indicate that women suffer a variety of detrimental effects from exposure to violent pornography. This study used an experimental paradigm to examine the effects of a moderate alcohol […]

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