Please participate in research exploring problems associated with using Internet Pornography

Australian College of Applied Psychology

Link to survey landing page –

What is this study about?

You are invited to participate in a study exploring problems associated with using Internet Pornography. With your help, I hope to learn more about what it means to live with this issue and how this has affected your mental health, emotional wellbeing and relationships. Since you are reading this page, you may be considering taking part in this study because you identify as someone who is struggling with, concerned about or identify as having problems related to internet porn. You are also over 18 years old and have not been diagnosed with a serious mental health disorder in the last 12 months.

If you decide to participate, you will be directed to a secure online survey which will ask you a series of questions about your experiences with and related to the use of internet pornography. The questions will be open-ended and require you to write answers in your own words. By participating in this study you may find that you learn something about yourself in the process and possibly gain a deeper understanding about your use of internet porn and what effects it has had on you and your life.

You may also find, however, some of the questions upsetting or uncomfortable. If this is the case, you may either exit the survey, choose to not answer that particular question and/or contact some of the support numbers listed at the top and bottom of this page if you require support.

Who is carrying out the study?

The research is being conducted by Francesca Palazzolo (the associate researcher) under the supervision of Dr Cathy Bettman, Senior Lecturer. The research studies contribute to Francesca’s studies for the award of the Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy course being undertaken at The Australian College of Applied Psychology.

What does the study involve?

The study will involve anonymously answering a series of questions about your use of internet pornography via an online survey platform. The survey comprises of 20 open ended questions that you will answer in your own words.

The first three questions are screening questions. If you are under 18 years of age, do not identify as having any problems with your use of internet porn or have been diagnosed with a serious mental health condition (Major Depressive Disorder, Bi-polar Disorder, Schizophrenia, First Episode Psychosis) in the last 12 months the survey will terminate at this point. This is because the survey will ask questions about your mental health and if you already have a diagnosis then it is possible that your experiences may be attributed to something other than porn addiction, which is outside the scope of this study. (If you have any questions relating the above screening questions at all, please use the ‘contact’ page to send a message).

There is no limit regarding how many words you are allowed to write and you can take as long as you like. Participation is completely voluntary and you can withdraw from the survey at any point until you submit your final answers.

How much time will the study take?

Depending on how long it takes you to answer each question, the survey may take around 30 minutes or more to complete.

Will I incur any costs by participating in the study?

There are no costs associated with participating in this study other than the cost of accessing the internet and costs associated with operating a mobile device or computer/laptop. You will not be reimbursed for your time or costs associated with accessing the internet for the purposes of completing this study.

Can I tell other people about the study?

Yes! Simply send the link to this page to anyone you think may be interested by email or by sharing on social media if you feel comfortable to do so.

Will I receive the results of the study?

If you are interested in receiving the results of this study please watch this space as I will update it with a link to the research report once it is finalized.

Confidentiality and disclosure of information

Participation is anonymous. No personal information that could be used to identify you will be asked for this survey, however, as with all internet transmissions, your IP address may be logged by your Internet Service Provider and/or Survey Monkey, the online survey host. You will be reminded not to provide any information that could be used to identify yourself or another person. All information obtained in connection with this study will remain confidential and stored securely in a password protected storage facility. Any information that could possibly be used to identify you will be removed during the analysis process.

If you consent to participating in this study, I plan to publish the results as part of my research paper required for completion of the Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy course. The results of the study may also be used for publication in a research journal, presented at a research colloquium or used for the purpose of producing journal articles written by myself (the associate researcher). In any form of publication, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified.

Can I withdraw from the study?

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. You are not under any obligation to complete the survey and you can withdraw at any stage prior to submitting your final answers. You can withdraw your consent by simply closing the window and exiting the survey. Once you complete the survey and submit your final answers however, you will not be able to withdraw consent after that point. You will have an opportunity to revise your answers once you complete the questionnaire and if you change your mind, you can exit the survey at that point. You will be asked about consent at the beginning and at the end of the survey in case you change your mind. Once you have submitted your answers your consent cannot be withdrawn.

How can I obtain further information?

If you have read this information and you would like to know more or have any questions about participating in this study, please send a message via the Contact page.

What can I do if I have a complaint or a concern?

Any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this study should be directed to:
ACAP HREC Secretary
Australian College of Applied Psychology
Locked Bag 11, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012