Hey everyone, I just want to let everyone know that on 12/28/14 I hit my 1 year mark of no fap.
It’s honestly been a journey and I quit for personal reasons, mainly porn had made me a weak person with no confidence, and little dopamine, so I had a mild depression. I had no interest in people and this may seem crazy but every time that I did masturbate bad things would happen to me, for example I would be talking to a girl a week in no fap and then I would fap and I would say something stupid or she didn’t like me. Or with my parents they would yell at me over the littlest things. I think it has to do with the vibrations your body gives off, just a theory.
Anyways I can gladly say it was the best decision I ever made , now I’ve got everything in life in check, I have great grades, I’m shooting for a sports scholarship and talking to girls is nothing, literally cake.
I don’t have the urge to masturbate at all. The only problem is that I get horny really easily, strangely when I’m with a girl I dont get horny that fast maybe not to look like a foo , but when I talk to a girl over text or the phone and shes talking about provacative things and shes sending me pics I get really really horny.
Anyways I plan on being fap free for all my life.
Ask me anything you’d like, I’d be glad to give advice on how to go long with no fap. It’s really mind over matter and knowing your cause, but yea its a great achievement for me and im really happy.
LINK – 1 year and 1 week of no fap (:
by Hooots
UPDATE – 2 years of no fap achieved 12/28/2015
My rocket went away for some reason, no worries I’m still cruising the cosmos.
Learned an insane amount of stuff these two years, and my life is currently great. I’ve actually made a commitment to never fap , this will be achieved (:
- spiritual insights
- confidence
- charisma
- intelligence
- mental clarity
- self control
- no highs or lows
- just stable emotions.
- Used to suffer depression before no fap , now depression is just a word with no meaning.
- love
…and many more the list goes on, keeping it short not trying to be ostentatious.
Feel free to ask me stuff.
Good luck on your journey people of no fap.