Well gentleman…It has been over 2 years now and I have finally decided to start faping again. This upcoming Wednesday will be 835 days straight without fap or porn. Let me first start by saying what i have said every time….It is not the faping that is the problem…It is the porn with the faping that is the problem.
This upcoming Wednesday I will be getting tested for fertilization, Which means I will be faping into a cup. Now some of you say that thats not a reason to quit but after 2 years I have decided to fap on a normal basis.
I have noticed my sex drive has gone down big time! since I stopped faping. I do think that not faping for 30 days at a time would be a much better idea but not fapping for as long as I have is just not good. When I hit my first 30 days I could see a HUGE improvement!!! But this is not about not faping!!! This is about getting rid of the habit of fapping with pornography!!! and it only takes 21 days to get rid of a habit.
I know that most of you will not agree with me but unless you have gone as long as I have please keep your negative comments to yourself. To tell you the truth…I dont even know If I can get hard enough to fap this upcoming wed. There ARE positive effects of faping. I also know there are negative effects of NOT fapping. I know that everyone is different and that is why i have made this decision. I am not only doing this for myself but for my wife and hopefully soon to be family.
Like I stated earlier…I believe going on a “30 day cleanse” is a must…Even 60 days would be great! but over 2 years is not healthy…at least for me. I know that some of you cant even fathom over 2 years of no fap and I am with you on that. I do however want to help anyone and everyone get to at least 30 days and some 60 or 90 days. If you want to go longer then 90 days then great for you but im only willing to COACH you up to 90.
Trust me you will thank me later. So there it is guys…I have exceeded my goal WAY MORE then I expected and I should get a damn medal for it too but Wednesday is my last NO FAP day…If I get enough response on here for coaching you through 30-90 days then I will stay on the site otherwise my years here will be done. Thank you all for everything and HAPPY FAPING or should I say NO FAPING
LINK – 832 days of no fap and only days away from Going back to my normal ways
by petmyturtle