90 days ago I was a depressed, numb zombie with the life-force of a crushed ant. Today, my life has turned around


90 days ago I was a depressed, numb zombie with the life-force of a crushed ant. I couldn’t think properly. I was too anxious to even think about going outside my apartment. I would stock up on pizzas every week because I didn’t have enough energy to cook properly. Exercise was out of the question.

Today, my life has turned around, and I attribute most of this to my progress in NoFap. That “spark of life”, for lack of a better term, is starting to return. I can go outside without too much anxiety (it’s still there, but getting better). My diet is mostly clean, and has been since ~day 30. I now go to the gym 3 times a week and I’ve nearly doubled my initial squat weight.

My goal now is to cut down on cannabis use to once or twice a week, and completely quit vaping nicotine. I’ve quit nicotine once during this streak without much trouble, but a month later I went straight back into it. That’s going to change.

Guys, please don’t give up. If you’re about to relapse, there’s a whole community of people that are willing to help you. Your future self will thank you for being strong in this moment.

LINK – Day 90 hard mode – Do not give up

by I_love_420