I have been doing nofap for about 2 years now and this has literally been a life changer from a guy who had extreme social anxiety to start feeling normal again. This has been a long journey but it was totally worth it because its helped me become more comfortable with myself.
My confidence has literally gone throughout the roof and I believe the superpowers that you get truly exist because I’ive had girls literally tell me im the most confident guy they’ve ever met and I was also fortunate enough for a girl to come up to me and tell me they would hook up with me.
I still have my ups and downs but as time goes on I’m starting to have wayyy more ups than downs. All I can say to anyone who is trying to keep a long streak every time you think about relapsing ask yourself is 5 seconds of pleasure worth losing all you worked for? Think about the last relapse did you feel good the next day? It’s not worth it. Trust me, I’ve been there.
LINK – 6 Months!