On this day, October 9th, 2014, I have completed 90 days of nofap. I’m going to try to keep this a bit short, so here’s how my journey went: Before nofap I was: Socially awkward, Unfocused, Lonely, Nervous around girls, Weak – both physically and mentally, Unattractive.
Now, after 90 days, I’ve noticed a lot of changes:
I’m stronger in all ways.
- More social,
- more focused,
- more friendly.
- I’m more aggressive, I do things that I want to do because I want to do them.
- I’ve heard people mention less acne, and that actually seems to be true.
- Nowadays when I get an erection it’s way more full than the semis I used to get, to the point where it almost hurts to walk through the halls in school.
- I am more confident in everything I do, more decisive and dedicated with my decisions.
- People have been noticing my new hairstyle a lot recently, which is amazing!
Some tips I have:
- Don’t focus on nofap, because if you focus on not fapping, your brain is still thinking of fapping, and you’ll eventually cave.
- Distract your mind. I’m interested by electronics and Arduino, so I’ve been looking into that a lot recently as something to do.
- Take care of your body. Start lifting and eating better, look at how you style your hair, do something to make yourself look better.
- Look to music. I’ve played guitar more in the past 90 days than when I was just starting around a year ago. I’m listening to new music and more music, and it truly does help to cheer you up or just make you feel good in general.
- Go out of your comfort zone. This pushes you to be better, it’s a push to become a better person. When you go outside your comfort zone you are metamorphosing into a new, better person.
- Just enjoy life. Wake up every day and see life as a beautiful thing, love the small things that happen.
Thanks to all who have read this and supported me on the journey, I don’t think I could’ve done it without the community we have here. Stay strong, /r/nofap!
LINK – 90 day report!
by Nofap_TH1356
I’ve been on a great streak of 61 days (I think, I’m on mobile so I can’t check the side), and I feel awesome. Like a total badass who can just own places. I’m more confident with myself, better at playing music, and more animated when I talk to people- as well as more social.
Today was amazing. I had to give a presentation on a cardboard chair that I built in my engineering class, and I completely led the group, I made eye contact with people and spoke confidently. But it gets better. This one girl in my class kept making eye contact with me. I kinda chickened out and broke it, but I think she may be into me since I’ve noticed this happen before. I’ll man up soon, it’s gonna happen.
And then tonight was the opening night for my school’s variety/talent show, in which the Jazz band that I’m in plays between most of the acts as transition music. I rocked it, hardly missed a note, and was completely in the present moment. And even better, I noticed a very attractive dancer in the show looking me over. I feel like I’m on top of the world right now, even though I didn’t make a move. I’m gaining attention, now I just gotta gain confidence. I feel like I’m on top of the world, and nothing’s gonna take me down.
So thank you, /r/nofap! I feel confident like never before, I’m improving skills, and I’m just being a better person overall. My advice to anyone who’s struggling out there: just be yourself and do what you want to do, act like who you want to be. People most likely won’t make fun of you- tonight when I was watching the other acts in the show all the musician people who poured their passion into their works were so inspiring and fun to watch. So you do you, and be epic. Sorry if this seems like a bit of a long post/rant, I’ve just got a lot to say about what’s been happening recently, it’s been a while since I posted here. Keep it up people, you’re all amazing and a great community to be a part of.
I stumbled upon this sub after a few years of porn and masturbation, and before I knew I had a problem. It wasn’t until I tried quitting that I realized it was a problem for me.
I saw a lot of people saying that before Nofap they were very socially awkward and shy, and had trouble talking to girls and new people in general. I’d always felt like the one guy in my group who’s not really a part of it, but just a guy who clings on the side and gets acknowledged every once in a while. So, why not try to make a change?
I started nofap in January or February of my sophomore year of high school, which was last year. In that school year, I had made it 14 days at the most, and it felt absolutely amazing to not feel so numb and desensitized. Then summer came around and I got kinda lonely without daily interaction with people, and I faltered a lot.
Junior year swung around this past autumn, and I’ve made huge progress. One streak of 97 days, and all since then have been at least two weeks, often around 20-30 days. I’ve been way more social with strangers and friends alike. During my time on nofap (and even before that), I’ve tried asking out a few girls, with each attempt getting more ballsy and closer to success. Still never had a gf, but I feel so much more confident after reading /r/malefashionadvice and /r/malehairadvice. I’ll probably be making a move on a girl in one of my classes sometime soon, hoping that goes well.
So all in all; huge improvements to social skills, fashion, hair, confidence, and even intelligence. I’ve never been healthier physically or mentally in my life. I enjoy things much more, and find extreme joy in things that would’ve barely evoked a response before.
Edit: just realized that this is /r/nofapwar, not /r/nofap. I joined the war to be stronger and have more motivation to quit. It helped me achieve that one 97 day streak I mentioned earlier.
UPDATE – 30 days, a few insights and progress.
I’ve made it to 97 days before, and haven’t made it this far in a while. It feels great to be at 30 days again, I’m starting to enjoy life a lot more. Some improvements:
- More happiness
- More emotions in general
- Bigger gains from lifting. I don’t work out every day and I don’t do a ton of weight, but I’ve seen improvements and I’m happy with the schedule I’ve got going.
- Better style (thanks, /r/malefashionadvice)
- Better hair
- Less acne problems
- More comfortable in my own skin
- Less brain fog
- Better focus
- More joy from music, both listening to and playing it
- I eat healthier
- A lot more social now
Some insights: Don’t ever give up, it’s always better to keep pushing through, and things will be better on the other side. And never try to do too much at once. I once tried giving up PMO and at the same time I tried reading everyday, learning programming every day, lifting, and giving up video games and Internet. Don’t ever try that, haha. Nowadays I do what I want when I want, the only thing I hold myself to is lifting every other day. I don’t eat too unhealthily, and I don’t spend every day on Xbox, simply because I don’t want to. My best advice: let Nofap run in the background while you live life, and it’ll not only be easier but more fun.
Hopefully this helps a few people out. Stay strong, /r/nofap, I believe in all of you.
[Age 17] I’ve been on a great streak of 61 days (I think, I’m on mobile so I can’t check the side), and I feel awesome. Like a total badass who can just own places. I’m more confident with myself, better at playing music, and more animated when I talk to people- as well as more social.
Today was amazing. I had to give a presentation on a cardboard chair that I built in my engineering class, and I completely led the group, I made eye contact with people and spoke confidently. But it gets better. This one girl in my class kept making eye contact with me. I kinda chickened out and broke it, but I think she may be into me since I’ve noticed this happen before. I’ll man up soon, it’s gonna happen.
And then tonight was the opening night for my school’s variety/talent show, in which the Jazz band that I’m in plays between most of the acts as transition music. I rocked it, hardly missed a note, and was completely in the present moment. And even better, I noticed a very attractive dancer in the show looking me over. I feel like I’m on top of the world right now, even though I didn’t make a move. I’m gaining attention, now I just gotta gain confidence. I feel like I’m on top of the world, and nothing’s gonna take me down.
So thank you, /r/nofap! I feel confident like never before, I’m improving skills, and I’m just being a better person overall. My advice to anyone who’s struggling out there: just be yourself and do what you want to do, act like who you want to be. People most likely won’t make fun of you- tonight when I was watching the other acts in the show all the musician people who poured their passion into their works were so inspiring and fun to watch. So you do you, and be epic. Sorry if this seems like a bit of a long post/rant, I’ve just got a lot to say about what’s been happening recently, it’s been a while since I posted here. Keep it up people, you’re all amazing and a great community to be a part of.
LINK – I’m starting to feel great again
by Nofap_TH1356