90 days ago I found this Subreddit on a whim and decided that I wanted to take part of the fapstinence to try and better my life. I learned a lot about myself these past few months, and a lot about change. NoFap helped give me a community that constantly talked about changing who you are for the better.
To this day I really don’t know where I would be had I not made the decision to quit PMO. During these 90 days I’ve done more than just quit PMO, I’ve worked on becoming more social, improving my health, and getting rid of toxic people in my life.
I have more friends now and I’m not afraid about social situations anymore. I’ve lost weight, quit smoking weed and I was able to focus more and got really good grades for my first semester in college.
I think the best part about NoFap is that it’s all about you and what you do by yourself. I came here to change and I continue to change for me and no one else. 90 days is only the first step though,
I’m going to try and make it to 180. Stay strong brothers.
LINK – 90 Day Report
by dathalfblood