Started masturbation when I was 13. Stopped masturbation when I was 18. The huge benefits became apparent for me only a week after I stopped, and now at just over three months later: Acne has completely diminished & dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis has completely cleared up.
I now realize that my acne (along with other things) really kicked in the same time the masturbation began. Sure, I got a few pimples here and there before that, and I know that some acne is normal for puberty, but I have no doubt that masturbation turned my puberty-pimples into the disfiguring acne that I never was supposed to have. Especially since the acne died immediately following my abstinence.
Now when I was 18, I got seborrheic dermatitis. This was shattering, because I was already dealing with the horrid acne, and now this, this apparently chronic condition… which ceased since ceasing masturbation. And here are some other benefits: My over-anxiousness and general anxiety problems are no more, my sluggish slothfulness has stopped, the excruciating abdominal pains & cramps that became a real issue for me since I started high school… or should I say, since I started masturbation… is gone… you know what, all of these terrible ailments and infirmities that just came out of nowhere since the same time I started masturbating have all vanished like a ghost after I stopped masturbating. Yeah, now I look back on it, before I was masturbating I was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. I wasn’t debilitated by all these problems because I DIDN’T HAVE THEM.
“Still, masturbation is normal.” When I didn’t masturbate, I was normal. “Masturbation prevents prostate cancer.” I absolutely doubt that is true, and if it is, I would gladly die at 50 having a full life, which is evidently unattainable if masturbation is apart of my life.
I am very awestruck by how masturbation has basically been the phantom menace of these last 5 years – I was unable to see that whilst I was in the habit, but now I do… and I now wish that I could go back in time and tell my 13 year old self of all this, in order that the last 5 years could’ve been spent living, not in a coma-zombie-like state… I even noticed in the last few months of masturbation (before I stopped) that my hair was shedding excessively… maybe it would’ve eventually also caused hair loss? (I shudder to think of that – thankfully that excessive shedding ceased too and my hair hasn’t suffered to lose it’s near perfect glory.)
Nevertheless I can share this with others.
Oh, and one other thing: I am just brighter, like I’ve finally had my batteries replaced after half a decade. I feel like I was in some fever dream for the last 5 years and I’ve woken up (woah! I’m a man now?! I’ve grown up!? What, you mean I have to save the world from Ganondo-) I have a liveliness and energy and high spirit within my core, and all this I had before the dark days of masturbation, I just didn’t realize the changes because it all became normal to me. Well, I am just… alive.
LINK – My Results From No Masturbation
by DamianNewman