Have you ever walked to the moon? I mean, Seriously, walk to the moon? 90 days ago, reaching 90 days was impossible as walking to the moon.
I know there has been a lot of success stories out there and people who just relapsed or the ones who are on the way of reaching 90 days, are eager to know how does it feel when you reach 90 days.
Well, my story of fapping starts from when I was only 11-12 something. That very first time when I fapped, it felt amazingly astounding. I am sure most of you guys also remember. I had never in my life ejaculated before (just wet dreams). The 5th day after my first fap, I fapped 5 times in 24 hours. The fact of being crazy started since then. I used to get A&A+ from school always. But after 6 months, I even failed 2 subjects to pass. After 3 years, I can almost say that I couldn’t pass any subject at school. Then I started to have headaches, thinning hair, falling hair, depression, anxiety, loneliness, no friends, fear of public, fear of even talking to my parents & friends, self-hatred, addict to PMO and GAMES and chatting, food disorders, sleeping disorders, memory disorders, distraction, physical problems, intensive lower-back pain, negativity, unconsciousness, low confidence, low self-esteem, PE, ED, and some mental disorders that had me sent to India’s best hospital for treatment ICU.
I found this SUB when I was searching on how to quit Fapping on Youtube 2 years ago. Before even finding this sub, I had streaks until 40 days and I even felt super-powers then. I was not even familiar with the word “fap” then. But I joined the SUB 10 months ago. Since then things has been different.
When I first started No FAP challenge:
I started working out at the second month of starting no fap (I had relapses though) and I got confidence in sex. My partner told me so many times that you have changed a lot in this period of time. My confidence has boosted massively! I love myself now. I love how I look, the way i speak, the way I look at something, the kind of person I am. I hair has stopped falling, but it has remained thin. Maybe just to remind me of the doomed and despair days I had. My mental problem which was fainting, has decreased from 3 times a month to 5,6 months once. I have a much better memory now. My job has happened to be like I always have to talk and work in public. Always meeting new people from many different countries and continents. I still play games, but the difference is I play like a Pro now which I enjoy, but not as an addiction. I sleep much better and I do not have 90% of the aforementioned problems. I have the best girl in the world, that counts a lot, believe me! No signs of PE or ED here. My girl loves doing sex with me. I Can’t forget the very first times that I couldn’t get hard she thought it was because of her. Worst of feelings, believe me!
How could I reach here:
I was about to lose the love of my life, for some Fu cking reason which was because of Fapping 90%. Which made me extremely depressed. For 30 days, not only I forgot about who I was, let alone the PMO. After 30 days, I broke my very best strike which was 32 days, and I tried to completely forget about PMO, just like the 30 days and every once in a while, I rechecked my streak, which is 90 days today. I can feel how walking to the moon feels now. For what I have been through for the last 10 years, these were the 90 best days of my life.
My suggestions for those who want to reach 90+ days:
You need to forget about PMO, just like I did. There are a lot of other things that I can say, which have already been mentioned, and I don’t want to repeat them.
My own finding about where the urges come from: PLEASE READ!!!!!
The first 2 months, which I totally forgot about PMO, and rarely checked this sub, did my workout and stayed away from PC, I almost never had any urges. From since I started using PC, checking the SUB and stopped working for some time, I have had urges, especially at the 84~86th day, which almost made me look at some pictures. Then on-the-spot, I went out and had a very long run. And continued burning calories for every day and the urges have vanished. I know there are a lot of things which make urges, but I VERY BELIEVE THAT MAKING YOURSELF BUSY WITH SPORTS HIGHLY DECREASES THE URGES.
Let me know what you think,
LINK – 90 days! Here is my story!
by blacksb5
UPDATE – Forget about Superpowers!!! No-fap has made me lose a lot of things!
Low self-esteem, low confidence, depression, anxiety, acne, fear of public speaking, PE, ED, fear of even talking to my parents and a lot more!
I don’t want to become a super-man as long as I don’t have the aforesaid power-downs.
Stay strong!
To make the story short,
I am 21 now and I have been PMOing for the last 9 years.
Abstaining has fixed my ED (people ask that a lot), lower back pain, anxiety, depression, mind dullness, memory problems and so on…
Ask me if you’ve got anything in your mind!
EDIT: Procrastination was fixed in something like the 7th month. I literally feel awesome when I do something I should do without any other questions or answers in my mind. Like waking up from the bed in the morning is the easiest of things to do even after sleeping for only 4 something hours.
UPDATE – Success story about confidence (recommended to read)
I am writing in this sub after a very very long time.
Long story short, 2 years ago and even before that, I was one of the people with the worst confidences I ever saw and heard about in my whole life. It was so intense that I could not even talk to my parents face to face sometimes. I was such a jerk that you can’t even believe. Public speaking? I preferred to die than to talk in public in front of five people. Even if they were my friends.
Now I am at university and I have come to school after 4 years something. Basically, what everyone likes about me is my confidence. They have made me monitor for every class we have and teachers love my presentations.
In fact, until before coming to school, I did not even know how much my confidence has improved, really! I did not even know whether it has had ANY improvements. And I basically put this success to you and all those who have helped me through this journey.
I was an addict for almost 10 years and it was very severe. But, Thanks God I am clean for 400+ days now.
Ask me if you want to know anything.
EDIT: Question: What else have NoFap helped me with?
- My self esteem used to be so low that I hated myself every single moment of my life, but it’s the opposite now. I love myself.
- Laziness is gone. No procrastination at all. No one can control me unless i want to do something myself. I have a LOT of control on what I do and want/don’t want to do.
- It might be crazy, but I live in a place where there are people from every single country you can think of lol. And, I am very famous among girls, whereas I NEVER tried to approach any of them.
- I have a lot of energy to do anything.
- My mind has become VERY sharper than what it used to be.
- Life is much better than what it used to be, because I don’t have to focus on my PMO all the time. I can do productive things.
How to get here????????
Forget about nofap, PMO, reddit, internet, pc and any other thing that reminds you that you are an addict. Instead, do something productive.
Good luck! 🙂