It brings life back into your eyes and into your soul. You’re better able to connect with people all around you. Men and women respond better to you. In fact people of all walks of life generally respond better to you. Porn darkens the intellect, it pre-occupies the mind and makes concentration on a task impossible.
Many of you (after the initial struggle) will find your health and vitality returning in droves. Life becomes more real, that is, it doesnt feel like a haze anymore. The best thing I have ever done is stay away from porn. No doubt. If you haven’t experienced this yet, chances are you’re still too close to the problem, but the more distance you put between porn and yourself, the better life becomes. Of this I am certain.
Going after porn is like going after a mirage in the desert, it promises relief, but when you get there, all you get is disappointment. Don’t buy into the lie.
LINK – This is what quitting porn does…
by DJR12