By the time I started rebooting, I had been robbed of any misconceptions of my willpower and ability to power through things. So I opted for full focus on my process. I honed and honed my approach until I finally made it. Now I’m almost a full two years without porn and couldn’t be happier.
Here’s some of the benefits I have noticed, although I can’t say if they are from just the reboot:
- Less need for sleep
- Better social connection (or at least feels like it)
- Lifting heavy at the gym feels good
- More enjoyment and happiness in my day to day life
- I appreciate the little things more
- More optimistic view of the future
- Life feels like an adventure
I was a lurker a long time, but now I have made an account and am giving back to the community as much as I can.
I also feel like I have found my passion. Having always been interested about the process of self-development and changing ones life, delving into removing porn from my life was right up my alley. Now I have the opportunity to help others with the knowledge that I have.
And I have begun to put that knowledge into my website at Sorry about the self-advertising, but I believe in my work and hope everyone has at least the opportunity to benefit from it by knowing it exists.
I also like this subreddit more than the Nofap one. I feel like some of the Nofap movement has the main focus of rebooting a bit twisted around, with so much focus on masturbation, while even continuing porn use. Besides, focusing on the harmful effects of porn puts people off much less than focusing on masturbation.
I’m soon to be 22. To my knowledge I didn’t have ED, but I certainly had massive brainfog. My memory and thinking wasn’t working properly. That, and the fact that after being aware that porn could be harmful, I started to notice how shitty I felt after relapses.
I found out about the harmful effects of porn a few years ago through the usual means: first Gary’s TED talk and then YBOP.
But thanks to all of you again, you helped me a lot in my time; I hope to return the favor!
Right on!
I’m happy to answer any questions if you have any.
If you are rebooting due to ED or PIED issues, I would probably lay off the masturbation, at least for the duration of the reboot. I would also do that if you find that you can reboot more successfully without masturbating either. Some people have an easier time if they can indulge during the reboot, for some it’s a slippery slope to porn use every time.
Beyond the original reboot, I can see both options as viable. In moderation it certainly is normal, especially if you do not have a partner for a longer period of time. I can also see it being a slippery slope back to where you started.
Finally, not masturbating at all can act as a “extra gear” you can put yourself into when necessary. If someone is working hard or going out a lot with the aim of meeting a lot of new potential partners, not having any release can give them that extra spike of energy and motivation.