I first started watching porn when I was a 13 year old lad. I had just discovered what seemed to be gold. But what I thought was gold in actuality was a cheap imitation. It glittered like gold but the old saying ‘All that glitters ain’t gold’ was true. This fake fulfillment consumed me over the next years.
It was anything but amazing and soon I craved for much more. My life as a porn addict had just begun. I did this slowly at first. At the beginning it was just once a day or so but it quickly progressed. Pretty soon I faped 3 or 4 times a day. Oh and i didn’t limit myself to faping on my mom’s computer. I watched it using the school computers, my phone, my best friends’ phones, public areas, etc. Wherever i had internet access I was watching porn.
Being a porn addict was a disaster. While my best friends became pussy slayers I became a video slayer. While every teenager socialized I stayed in isolation in my room on an endless search looking for more thrilling videos. Instead of slowly growing into a healthy functioning teenager I slowly destroyed myself without even knowing it. I destroyed my man part beyond knowledgeable repair. I strangled my self-esteem and my confidence was non-existence.
While in a pleasure induced frenzy I created an obstacle that I couldn’t overcome. Public ridicule by my friends was horrible. Embarrassing erectile dysfunction normally experienced by 50 year old fellows was disgraceful. Acne, constant fatigue and isolation severely hampered my health. I was an addict in a hopeless place that I was ashamed off. I wanted to stop but I just couldn’t…
Just like many of you, my porn addiction controlled me. I felt unable to do anything about my situation. Was this all my life would amount to?? Countless hours fapping on my laptop? No! I would control my own life not some sexy ass girl that I would never ever see in my life. I couldn’t let this be the only thing that defined me. I was too tired of idolizing fake girls on my computer. I was too tired of sacrificing my time, health and self-esteem. I was too tired of gaining pleasure that lasted a few seconds but fed a porn addiction that did nothing to improve my life.
Over the years after discovering NoFap I have overcome my problems. Although I never posted my original reboot I have noticed a major transformation in my life from it. I am much more confident in myself and the direction of my life. I’m not depressed like I used to be. With my newfound confidence I’ve even joined the Pickup community and have gotten a handful of dates and recently I started dating! I still struggled to get my penis erect with her but eventually I have regular sex with her. The feeling is amazing! No amount of porn can compare to real life sex with a real girl.
I hope every other faper on this site gets to experience that feeling because when you actually discover how great your life is without porn you won’t want to ever go back. Right now upon this journal post I’m at 104 days. In 2016 I think I only jerked off like 8 times which is amazing. This year I’m doing even better in 2017 as over a 4 month period of only fapped of twice. After successfully rebooting I’m pushing to have a year of no PMO. I hope if you’re reading this you can successfully reboot as well. It will change your life
LINK – My journey from porn addicted loser to 104 days strong
by Biz4Prez