Hey guys, I reached 90 days today, so I thought I’d just drop in and share my thoughts.
This was my first post (on reddit too!). I actually started trying NoFap around February of 2012, and its taken me this long to get to 90 days.
It’s been a journey of self discovery and failures and frustration and also elation. I don’t think you’ll read anything in this post that you won’t have already read if you’re one to browse the 90 day reports, but if something I’ve said in here ends up helping someone out there then hopefully this will have been worth it.
Also, I just want to get this off my chest :).
- NoFap is not the cure for everything. I think of it in terms of going to the gym. NoFap is just you getting your ass off the couch. You still have to go to the gym.
- My relationship to porn is completely different now. Although for the last few weeks I’ve been browsing some NSFW subreddits about once per week, I do it without touching myself and I basically don’t look at hardcore porn anymore. Whenever I get that urge to PMO, for instance, today my brain was telling me that it would be a good idea to reward myself for a 90 day streak, I just end up thinking how pointless and empty it will be. My next goal is to do /r/pornfree for 90 days. This is a much harder challenge.
- Get out of your porn-cave. For me, this was my room in my house. I had been PMOing here for so long that it was almost habit when I was alone in the house to click onto porn. If I was elsewhere with my laptop, I didn’t get that urge because there were no associations.
- Re-define yourself. I am someone who does not PMO. Simple as that. As someone said in another thread I read yesterday; for a long time I’d been letting my actions define who I am, but in order to beat PMO, you need to let who you are define your actions.
- I still have some ways to go. I dated a girl for about a month before we broke things off, and it was fantastic getting hard just cuddling with her. But my morning wood is still not consistent and I don’t think my libido is back to where it should be.
- One thing that also helped me is the concept of delaying gratification. I think I was of the mentality that when I got horny that if I didn’t satisfy it now, then I would become EVEN MORE HORNY as time passed until I would be consumed by it. In reality, being horny is just another feeling. If you wait and do nothing and distract yourself (don’t feed it), it goes away and you go back to normal.
Stay strong everyone.
LINK – 90 Days Hard Mode
by qucie
*Age: 23
*Sex: M
*Start & context: Originally via sensation, then via clothing magazines and then pictures. Then the freeview slots on adult channels, then high speed internet.
*Frequency: ~once a day on average (at least)
*ED symptoms: No morning wood, could not keep erection during sex, flaccid ejaculation.
*Time into NoFap treatment: 56 days was my best, now I am 37 days in again.
*Response to NoFap treatment: Have wet dreams now and then, getting some random boners. Flatlining so low libido and no desire to chase girls.