This may be a long post but this is a post I was hoping I would someday be able to create. As the title suggests, NoFap cured my delayed ejaculation (DE) and PIED. The amount of joy and relief I currently feel as I write this post cannot be described.
Backstory: I am a 23 year old male and I came across NoFap one year and 9 months ago and have been trying and failing to quit fapping and porn since then. I started at about 11 years old watching porn and fapping. I thought everybody did it and it was fine. I had always had problems with self acceptance and being overweight so I never learned to pursue real women. I did not know it t the time but I was substituting reality for virtual reality.
Then at the age of 16 I became addicted to drugs and eventually I became a heroin user. I would do anything to not live in reality. I got clean from drugs and have been clean for over 3 years. I used spirituality to overcome drug addiction and totally turned my life around. I am a straight A accounting student and I lost 65 pounds and am now healthy. My relationships with family and friends are mended and I am surrounded with love.
With these achievements came attention from women. I was now 21 and had confidence and success. “Awesome right!?!?!?” That’s what I thought until I realized there was a huge problem. When having sex I felt ZERO sensation below the belt. I would be in the act of sex for hours and never finish. I could not understand what was going on and it scared the shit out of me.
The first girl was one I was extremely attracted to and had a crush on for years but nothing. I thought that maybe it was performance anxiety but then partner after partner and still I could not O. I began frantically searching the internet for answers. I was dying inside. I didn’t even feel like a man and I lost all interest in sex or women.
Then something crazy happened. I believe some things in life happen for a reason and this was an example. One of my friends brought over this guy that I had not seen since high school and he asked to speak to me in private. I was wondering what he could possibly want because I barely knew him. He told me he had nobody else to turn to and needed my help with something so of course I wanted to help. He started asking me how I got off of drugs and I assumed he had a drug problem. He then tells me that he had a PMO addiction. I had no idea at this point that I was also suffering because of PMO. I had experience with addiction but I could not fathom that I had a porn addiction that was causing PIED.
I talked to the guy almost everyday for months trying to help him and throughout the process of him describing what porn was doing to him I saw a lot of similarities and for the first time it hit me that porn may be my problem. On a side note this friend has not watched porn in almost 2 years now. So back to me now. This friend found nofap and spirituality through Buddhism that helped him quit PMO.
I kept trying to quit porn and failing because as long as there was no girl around in my life I may as well just fap to ease loneliness. All this did was further my loneliness because knowing that you cannot perform a simple biological function like normal sex kills your desire to even approach real women. As a result I lost a lot of social skills with women because I stopped talking to them. Of course this caused me to turn down every opportunity for real sex because I knew I could not O. It killed me every single time and I would swear to quit. The only motivation I ever had to quit was when an opportunity for sex presented itself. I would then have sex and still not O because I never abstained long enough. This vicious cycle continued for almost 2 years until recently.
Porn had isolated me from women and I was lonelier then ever and then I fapped not to feel lonely just like I used drugs to cope with life now I was using porn. Recently I decided that enough was enough. I was sick and tired of being afraid of women and hiding behind my computer screen. I have always been running my entire life. I decided if I could quit heroin then I could quit this too. I made a decision to change. What worked for me this time was using that friend I helped as an accountability partner. I talk or text him once in the morning and once at night. That has been the biggest variable allowing me to gain my current streak. I cannot let myself or my friend down.
I used the spirituality I gained for beating drug addiction and applied that to my fapping. I would avoid triggers like laying in bed too long after waking up and viewing any suggestive images at all. I also foced myself to begin trying to interact with women again. It was the only way to keep myself motivated to stay PMO free. I had to live in the solution and part of the solution for me was talking to women.
I will come right out and say that I joined NoFap to cure my PIED issues. That was my motivating factor. However now they are not objects to me anymore. I try to sleep with them yes but that is after I have made some sort of connection which i different from the past. I view them as people now.
Praying in the morning and at night that I would not fap kept me accountable to the God of my understanding that I would not relapse. Today I celebrated 30 days. I had one slip up however a few days ago where I watched 3 minutes of porn. Technically that is a relapse even though I did not fap. In this 30 days I met a girl and we had chemistry from the beginning. A week into my streak we had sex but again no O.
Then tonight happened with her on my 30th day and…….IT FINALLY FUCKING HAPPENED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE AND IT WAS AMAZING. It was like never before. I was totally captured by the moment and seeing her. A woman’s body has never had that effect on me. I will not go into anymore detail to avoid triggers but I feel like a new man. I am ready to get back out on the market and practice my game. I have a lot of work to do in that department and I still have social anxiety I need to work through.
NoFap made me more assertive and aggressive but it did not cure my social anxiety. I just get lucky that girls come to me for whatever reason but I want to learn to be the confident guy that goes to them every once in a while. No Fap definitely has boosted my confidence, given me more energy, a clearer state of mind, cured my DE and PIED and increased my self discipline.
From the bottom of my heart thank you to this sub
It is 4 am and I am am submitting the post so sorry if the thoughts I wrote are mashed together in random ways. I simply could not sleep until I posted this.
BY – NoFapthrowaway1024