I’m 25, had porn induced ED. 206 days later I’m almost completely ED free and it feels great. No more PMO for me. My love life with my beautiful woman is fucking amazing, my mind has never been sharper, I’m fit working out, and I have confidence in myself that I have never ever had before.
I never worry about erectile dysfunction anymore.
Happiness is so great and I can read books now that my brain fog is gone. You can do it guys. sign me up I’m looking for a new AP. am totally cool with whoever and I can help you get better and ditch the Pmo and get a real girl/guy and have a clear mind more self confidence and just a better life free of Pmo.
Keep strong gents and gals on here you can do it!!!!!
I declare my continued commitment to NoFap, my experience has been amazing.
LINK – 206 days PMO, and feeling great
by ForMyQueen