Age 27 – Cured my Porn-induced ED: I’m now back to square 1

So this was my 90 day report:

If you can’t be arsed to read it here’s a tl;dr: Had PIED, NoFap successed for 90 days, managed to get rid of it.

I fell back into the trap, long after I thought myself free. Don’t get cocky, don’t forget why you’re no-fapping and definitely don’t think “Well, I haven’t watched PMOed in months, I’ll just do it the once now…”

I was cured. I’m now back to square 1. My PIED is back after that ‘one time’ turned into quite the long PMO spree. Goodbye badge, goodbye boners. Hello humiliation, hello struggle.

Live, learn, grow. Heh…

LINK – A lesson learnt – the ‘hard’ way. PIED.

by D-Bozzle