I am new to this forum, and Ill like to share my experiences and successes with recovering from PIED. I am 28 years old.
Development of my PIED: I PMOed sporadically when I was 15-18 years old, since I was living with my parents. From 18-26, I lived alone and had my own internet connection, so I was able to PMO practically every day and sometimes several times a day. At 20, I had a girlfriend and no problems with ED despite PMOing, but we broke up after several months. At 23, I unsuccessfully tried to have sex, so by then I know definitely that my ED had fully developed.
Recovery Period: Thankfully, I eventually found out about PIED from YBOP. I stopped PMOing 2 years and 10 months ago. First, I started with 3 months, no O. During this period, I got a girlfriend, and was able to have successful sex 2 months in, but I didn’t let myself O until those 3 months were up (Karezza pretty much). It’s quite surprising how quickly I recovered, given the other stories I read on the forums. Subsequently, we were able to have steady sex with O for 1 year plus, and I never had any ED problems during sex. We then broke up, and I decided to do nofap for 4 months, because I felt I needed some improvements (I still had some PE, had trouble MOing alone and the pleasure was not as intense as when I was 20). After this nofap period, I got another girlfriend, and was able to have successful sex with O for 1 year plus.
Takeaway: I guess the biggest takeaway here is that some of you are more recovered than you think. When I MO, I have to force an erection and I finish quickly because of PE. So judging by that, I am not recovered. But I was still able to have steady sex with O during 2 relationships that lasted over a year each. That is why it’s important to get a partner after an initial recovery period, so you can gauge exactly where you are, and recover further.
Thoughts? Since I am single again, I am thinking of doing another round of nofap. As a long rebooter, I am happy to answer questions about the process.
LINK – 2 years and 10 months P free!
BY – lyon