Hi Everyone,
I thought in order to hold myself accountable I’d chip in my situation here and hopefully some of you guys will get some insight from my experiences.
I’m 29 years old and was using porn from the age of 14/15. I was one of the first people I knew to be hooked up to the internet and even when we started out at that young age, it was quite extreme stuff. My friend somehow managed to get us hooked up with crazy things through IRC and at that young age, it was mind melting and I had no idea the damage I had started to do…
From there I never stopped and I guess looking back I got into fetish stuff pretty early on, probably as young as 15.
As fate would have it, I was born with a slight birth defect which prevented me being able to have sex. The medical term is Phimosis which is basically the foreskin being too tight to come all the way back. I had various encounters from the age of about 16 where I would lose the ability to get it after not being able to penetrate due to pain.
Had no idea what was wrong but it took me till the age of 20 to figure it out and then finally had circumcision to fix the problem.
So got the age of 20 without being able to have sex but with 5 solid years of frequent internet porn.
Throughout my 20s I’ve had various girlfriends, some long term and had sex with more than my fair share of women but on almost every occasion had almost no feeling in my penis until ejaculation and when I came, it was never that great a sensation. Certainly not as powerful as masturbating to Porn!!
I put that down to the partners I had been with, me not being into it enough or me just not really liking SEX.. LOL…
Then, as I approached 25 and the porn use continued to rage on and the porn definitely became more and more extreme. I eventually started to struggle for an erection in sexual encounters and after a while, I couldn’t get it up when looking at porn. After some despair I found Your Brain on porn, that was last year.
Since then, I’ve been struggling along the reboot road with 1 major porn relapse (December) and often relapsing to MO without P.
There have been times where I’ve made great progress and got to the point where I was having spontaneous erections and then MO’d and went into doing MO frequently leading to an eventual flat line…
I’ve probably gone around 2/3 months at the most without M.
I do also take MDMA occasionally when out clubbing which can lead into a heavy party session which sometimes has resulted in me going back to MO afterwards. I find MDMA + party session leaves my brain absolutely twisted and I suspect this is the reason I’ve struggled to fully reboot.
So, after relapsing to MO twice at the start of this week after a heavy weekend of partying I decided it’s time to make myself accountable and start this thing again. This time, NO MDMA, NO MO and of course NO PORN.
I’ve not used porn of any kind since the start of the year and at the moment, I’m on quite a good run, having only MO’d twice in the past couple of months.
I will keep this thread updated as I progress, so let’s see how it goes 🙂
LINK TO POST – 9 Months No Porn but…
by 22
The Cold Hard Truth… 2 years rebooting / 1.5 years no porn
July 25, 2013,
Hello all,
It’s been a while since I’ve been posting here and basically I’ve just been trying to get on with my life.
Before I found out about porn addiction I was in a bad way, I couldn’t get it up for sex or masturbation. The only time I would have an erection was for porn videos and even that had become weak as can be.
I tried rebooting for the longest time and managed to achieve a run of 90+ days with no O and as you can see below, it’s been a long time since I’ve looked at and masturbated to porn.
The results? I’m not back to 100% but I’m in a much better place than I’ve been in years.
I now save myself for sex and perform well when I go for it. My desire for sex has increased greatly. This is because I said goodbye to porn.
I avoid masturbation where possible, although I occasionally lapse (I’m almost certain that it’s not possible to completely give it up forever)
My overall thinking now is that removing porn and reducing M to a minimum while re-introducing sex is the simple strategy that anyone needs to reclaim their libido and sex life.
I believe that my 90+ day abstinence from O was not needed. I believe that if I had simply cut out porn, reduced M to a bare minimum and introduced sex (and all that goes with it) I could have been in a better position more than a year ago, instead of constantly going on these long breaks from O followed by heavy periods of M…
This was not healthy and I saw a lot of people fall into the same trap around here…
I have good sexual response now to natural things like talking about sex with a girl, flirting and thinking about girls.
Before I gave up porn I had nothing, no response to anything other than porn and even that was a weak response.
So if you feel like you’re on one of these long reboots that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, like you’re running on a hamster wheel, then I suggest you try what’s worked for me.
It may seem obvious but people are so hell bent on getting to 90 days or whatever that they don’t even try other options.
Honestly, remove porn, avoid masturbation and get out there and meet some girls.
If you say you can’t meet girls and have no chance of being with a girl, I call bullshit.
Go out and mingle with friends, go on dating websites, hike across Europe. DO WHATEVER IT TAKES.
Here’s what you do:
Give up porn forever, give up O until you start to feel horny then go meet some women. It’s really simple.
The more you do this, the stronger your response becomes.
I wanted to make this post because I felt all was lost, my constant reboots weren’t working. Now I can have sex, meet women, I’m more confident than ever and at the age of 30 I’m having more female attention than I’ve ever had in my life – could be a coincidence or could be directly related to all of this.
I would also like to add that while I’m happy with my results, I’m hungry for more and want to boost my libido further to the point of being like a horny 18 year old. This is my own personal preference.
So, from here I’m going to start aggressively testing vitamins, supplements and a whole manner of other things to see just what works and what doesn’t work for boosting the libido to new heights.
I’ll share that information here and also look to mastermind with some people here to find out whats been working and what’s not been working.
Good luck and I hope this has been a useful insight.