It happened, I passed a year of no porn. I want to share my experience, my way and my strategies with you all. Here is my old Journal. So, what happened in this Year? Over all it was an awesome year, my life changed 180°!!!
- I lost my depressions.
- I lost my self doubts.
- I lost my social anxiety.
- I got good self esteem.
- I got a lot of motivation.
- I got inner strength.
- I stopped drinking and smoking, my long time habits.
- I stopped smoking weed.
- I reduced my gaming habits a lot.
- I started to eat healthier.
- I started sport, after 15 years no sport, to 3-4 time a week.
- Better sleep.
- Over all turned from a negative thinking person into a positive. From a passive consumer to an active actor. From dark to light.
What did I learned?
The reboot is not a thing you do for some time and then it’s over and you are fine. It’s more a way of life and a never ending ongoing process. It is like every other serious addiction. You can never turn back in a moderate way. It’s all or nothing. It’s maybe the biggest challange.
How is my sex life now?
Surprisingly this question has become less and less important over time. My sex is good and fun, easy and without anxiety und negative thoughts. But sex overall has kind of lost its priority im life and my mind. And that is for good! The reboot and nofap kind of liberated me from this oversized, omnipresent monster which controlled my mind for so long.
No fap
When I startet to reboot I stopped M for about 4,5 month until I started M again. It become more with stress and more frequently. It wasn’t good for me. Thoughts about extreme things tend to came back and my mood was negatively affected.
Now I’m back to nofap. Nofap gives me a lot of energy and strength. It’s magic I can recommend rebooting with nofap, it’s been a good combination.
What worked for me during the reboot?
- A all or nothing mindset. A bit radical but effective.
- Stopping to focus a numbers an stats. After 3 months I stopped my journal and I stopped counting days and stuff. I started to focus on life instead on the reboot. It helped me to normalize the reboot.
- Sport. Exercise. Gym.
- Inform myself. Try to get the best an deepest knowledge about the issues. Know your enemy.
- My “Who is that person trick”. Whenever I catch myself thinking in an objectified way about woman, I try to think about the person. What’s her name? Where does the person come from? What is she doing? And so on. It distracts my thoughts and gives the person instantly more value than a sex object. For me it works well and the thoughts are becoming less over time.
- Setting small goals. I need something to do. It distracts me from this whole sex thing and reconnects me with the world.
- Talking with friends about this. The moment I talked about it, it become a real thing.
- Being honest to myself, on good day and on bad days.
- I started caring about my self, my mind and my body.
- Less usage of electronic devices in the night (mobile, pc, console, etc.)
Yes! I’m exposed to critical content almost every day. Every content with naked/light clothed women is challanging. When ever I consume media I need to be aware when browsing Facebook, Youtube, news sites (clickbait ads), etc. I still have to deal with it every time I see some images. It is getting easier over time, but there is still a potential danger/trigger.
What does the future brings?
I don’t know. But I’m positive about it.
This thing will always be a part of me but that’s ok, the benefits of the reboot are insane!
I want to thank you all for sharing und writing your experiences, it helped a lot back then and now.
I wish everyone the strength and willpower to reach their goals in life.
Stay strong.
LINK –One Year Pornfree!
BY –Marco