Today is 365 days from the last time I searched for explicit images on the internet, 368 days from the last time I PMO’d or MO’s, and I’m so glad I did this.
I want to thank this reddit, my IRL addiction support group, but most importantly my loving and long suffering wife. When you read this, my love, I want to tell you that I’m sorry for the years I’ve wasted on this and thank you for believing in me.
In addition to the above, some things that helped me: journalling (especially the first few months), music (listening and playing), exercise, and proper sleeping habits (easier to avoid temptation when you get enough sleep). I’ve slacked on the exercise and sleep in the last few months, but plan on fixing that for other reasons.
The Your Brain on Porn group have also been massively helpful to me especially the top 3 fatal mistakes write up.
I want to thank the Valhalla challenge group and their support.
Lastly k9 has been a Godsend. Without the ability to erase my history, a good amount of content filtering and the ability to add to the black list. I think that was the greatest tool for this mission.
I am not done, I will never be done, I will keep my guard up and press on in improving myself and the world around me to leave it better than when I arrived here.
Good luck to us all in defeating this blight on humanity.