November 19, 2012 – I masturbated since the age of 13. But, in 1973 there was no internet nor porn available. Sometimes an old Playboy issue, but even females in catalogues (or even thought of them) made me horny. Sometimes I tried to get rid of fapping, but I never succeded.
With 30 years, still beeing a virgin, I married my one and only wife. We´ve got five children. I still did masturbate, sometimes to porn or erotic literature. Even my wife red it sometimes for arousal. Then we moved to a very remote area in this world, with no internet or TV or erotic pictures. I masturbated to ads of normal magazins from home (with some goodlooking or sexy women on it, but nothing really naked). Even the women in that country were covered with clothes mostly everywhere, and seeing a “modern” one with trousers made me horny.
Comming back to the modern world some years ago was like a shock to me. Everything was sexy and tempting. Not long after I discovered sexy images first and then porn movies on the internet. I didn’t try to cheat my wife and never thougt of having sex with those images on the net. I just looked there to get aroused an then I orgasmed for relaxing. First time it was incredible and really arousing, but then I needed longer to get O. And during intercouse with my wife I got no O at all. Also the errection I was missing often. Even during watching porn I got weak orgasms with few sperm.
Searching for the reason for my ED I found and it explained everything. Having been in hospital several times for some weeks (with few possibilities for fapping) I experienced more arousal and sperm, but after three day it was low as usual.
So I decided to quit fapping 14 days ago, and I was able to live without it so far. I feel more confident, am able to look at women and smilingly look into their face. I had a nice and long karezza intercourse (without O) with my wife, me beeing hard quite quickly and for a long time and my wife getting a hard orgasm as I never remember before.
Sometimes – still sick, I was alone at home and in the morning I get horny just by reading something (like e.g. nofap – some topics are really tempting). I gently and softly caressed my dick (which feels fine) and then its over – no need to fap to orgasm. One day I checked by looking at sexy (or porn?) images of women for 5 – 10 min, but no errection happened and I did not fap. But after that I felt unsatisfied. I deleted every sexy image from the computer. Still I’m thinking of installing a porn protection.
So I hope I didn’t go too far with trying. And I hope to keep on with noporn nofap to experience all the advantges of it. Few days ago I was able to talk to my wife about my porn and ED problem. She was very understanding and happy about my decision.
We had four or five times sex within this nofap noporn time. All without Orgasm from my side. I think it worked, because we did it as Karezza, not aiming for orgasm and using alot of bonding behaviours. Yesterday I had morning wood and I enjoyed the outside contact with my wife. On the other hand, during sex we need some manual stimulation, to get me hard, and yesterday we had no urge for sex, so we left it. I wonder if that is the begin of a flatline.
by – youngoldie
Reboting completed, being a fully functioning man. Report of a 52 years old guy.
February 16, 2013
Hundred days ago I started Nofap. And of course – not watching any porn. What helped me through the process?
1. I started a journal on
The guys there were an incredible help! Really a community of honest, supporting men!
2. I had a lot divertment that helped me not to watch porn. As I was laying in hosptal an later in sickbed, I had tons of books to read and hundreds of startreck episodes, which I watched in foreig languages and subtitles, even with the aim to learn those Languages.
3. I also wrote a lot of posts here on r/nofap and other forums to support other nofappers.
4. I started again to lern the fiddle – the violine of course.
5. I meditated – just a very simple kind of breathing technique.
Important is to keep yourself busy and to develop new habits to replace the old one.
1. Able to get hard at any time – just through sensation – no need of porn and erotic stimulation.
2. Able to last even two hours – of course slow sex without over-stimulaiton.
3. Able to have an PIV orgasm at any time.
4. I stopped smoking and excessive drinking as well.
5. Improved relationship to my wife – not just sex, even more cuddling and caressing, more talking and doing things together.
6. Improved health – e.g. my nail fungus dissapeared without treatment.
7. I lost nearly 40 pounds of weight.
Yes, it’s not yet heaven or paradise. Still a lot of things to work on – but I’m back in life again!