Age 57 – Porn-induced ED cured in 4 weeks – Classic case for this age group

I’m 57 and until I first got on the internet in 1997 I never really masturbated that often. But since then it’s been a minimum of twice a day. For about ten years it never caused me any problems but then slowly I started to develop ED with a partner. But was still masturbating all the time, some times on a day off from work I’d do it 4, 5 – and once in a while six times. But it was getting difficult to orgasm with a partner and often times even to stay hard.

Oddly, I never really thought porn or too masturbation was the problem. I think the reason I thought this was because a couple of times I went a week or so without masturbation and the problem got worse. Classic flatlining.

Then I happened upon this website and it all sounded exactly like my situation. So I tried it for a month and amazingly I found I was cured ! I got instantly hard , 10/10 ,with my new partner and was able to orgasm in two minutes- something I hadn’t done in many years. Also, now I wake up pretty much every morning with an erection (something that had stopped several years ago).

So yes, even for someone a little older, this is possibly your answer. And thank you to the owners of this site.


By Itactuallyworks