Delayed Ejaculation (prone masturbation) – Having little issues in bed

I’ve had difficulty finishing from PIV or even oral sex because I was so used to the overly attractive women and the specific touch of masturbating. So far I’ve had success each time and have never felt like she wasn’t “pornstar” enough.

Since trying to stop watching porn a year ago this is my 10th attempt and by far the most successful. My girlfriend of three years broke up with me, not really related to the pmo problem, and I didn’t want to spiral down into addiction. I’ve resisted for a while and finally met someone new.

Even after going to watch porn a couple of times left me thinking that it was disgusting and just switching back to netflix.

I haven’t been this happy in a very long time and I just want to thank you guys for helping me out. It’s been a long journey for me, starting with improper masturbation technique (prone) and now I’m having little issue in bed.

Thank you /r/pornfree.

LINK – My success without porn

by flapjackpc