Trigger warning. During my fapping on porn life I developed a lot of fetishes. Some I thought were normal but a couple of them were really disturbing……
Before starting nofap I fapped like twice a day on porn and my taste was constantly changing over the years. I went from normal porn>> lesbian porn>> rough porn>> bigfaketitsporn>> deeptroating>> slappedandbeatedaroundporn>> pissporn>> scatporn>> shemaleporn>>>etc.etc.etc – or a combination off all above… I really was disgusted about most of this fetishes but I needed more and more shocking and surprising stuff to keep being aroused… so I stopped porn and started nofap
Didn’t watch porn since last February and I can safely say I don’t crave the fetishes anymore. It took me 4-months to get rid of my ‘light’ fetishes and 6 months to get totally rid of every unwanted fetish I developed.
What I crave now? being with the girl I like. kiss her, hug her, and make sweet love with her.
LINK – I don’t have strange unwanted fetishes anymore!
by Ricksen a couple of months ago i had the same problem as your boyfriend. read this site, i was cured of my ED because of the advice this site gave me
80 days – spontaneous erections, bigger penis. libido is rising
really happy
i’m getting more and more spontanious erections troughout the day and sometimes when i get fully hard (sometimes ragingboners, especially when getting in bed and in the morning) there is much more blood streaming in my penis then before my rebooting, because of this my penis looks a lot bigger. my libido is coming back again, really excited about meeting girls.
it’s def worth it
ps: Your mileage may vary, GOOD LUCK BRO’S.