HuffPost – My Porn Detox: 10 Ways My Life Changed Without Porn (gay man)

Like most guys I know, straight and gay, I’ve seen my share of porn. So hear me when I say that I have very little opinion against porn, and what little judgment I do have I’m working on releasing (pun totally intended). I’m sure there are studies suggesting that pornography can improve your life, but let’s be honest: When someone is looking to make a point, they’ll make it.

My intention here is not to present a case against porn, nor am I trying to change your mind. However, I will share what I’ve experienced since making the conscious decision to let porn go. The results have been noteworthy, which is why I feel compelled to share. Besides, I traded in my high horse for a Nissan Versa a while ago, so I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone.

10 Ways My Life Changed Without Porn

  1. My productivity increased. I found that I get way more done without the extra Web surfing.
  2. I have clearer intimacy with my husband. Saving that “lower chakra” energy for my hubby makes our time together feel more special.
  3. I’ve stopped mistaking porn stars for celebrities. I have way fewer moments at Starbucks where I’m thinking, “How do I know that guy? Oh, that’s right.” (Note: Perhaps this is where I still have a little judgment, but I feel like porn stars like Cody Cummings have more name recognition than history-making activists like Paul Katami and Jeff Zarillo.)
  4. I feel better about my body. Life is better now that I’m not comparing my body with porn stars’ bodies.
  5. I actually feel happier. I understand that a lot of studios require drug testing, but with the rise of amateur content on the Web, it feels like so many of the actors are high. A part of me felt guilty to be contributing to somebody’s drug habit.
  6. I got some emotional clarity. I got in touch with specific areas in my life that I was avoiding. I discovered that porn can be used as a device of distraction.
  7. I have more energy. Less porn = fewer naps.
  8. I don’t have to worry about inconvenient pop-up ads on my computer.
  9. I’m reading more. I think this can be placed in the “more time with fewer distractions” file.
  10. I’m happy to be free of the expectation that every sexual encounter should be one of epic, porno proportions.

There’s nothing too profound or prophetic listed here, but I can honestly say that with more time, more energy, and fewer distractions, my life has improved. The purpose of a cleanse is to release toxins from the body to support a renewed state of health. I’m considering this experience a tool that’s supporting me in my intention to live a happy and productive life. I’ve discovered that a life without porn can be a life worth living.

And now, when my husband orders Dominos, we know that the pizza guy is just the pizza guy.



Healthy-living expert; celebrity chef and TV host; co-founder and director, Project Service LA