At 4 months of no fappage, as well as, pornhub, youjizz, spankwire, etc… I’m not going to lie, but it feels better. No longer have the desire to fap at every available moment i have. I’m able to focus without the nerve of my brain wanting to access some brazzers. It gets rough sometimes, because the urge kicks in every now and then, but it’s way easier to experience the urge and let it go when need be.
Honestly guys, it feels great. Theres no more shameful toilet flushing my room smells way better. i save money on kleenex i can remember more names, other than jayden james, kristi love, Yurizan, etc…
The first month is fucking difficult. either you want to do this challenge or not If you notice a positive change, then congratulations If not, then keep doing whatever makes you happy. You really won’t know until you try. You may fail, and if you do, then just try again. we are only human for fucks sake.
Good luck yo.