Hey guys,
so I don’t watch porn any more but I still masturbate. I tried nofap a couple of months back but it wasn’t really for me. I have not kept a counter of how long I’ve been porn free now but it’s a month a least and I doubt I’ll ever watch porn again. It’s almost like it doesn’t exist and the idea of watching it seems very foreign to me now. It’s kind of weird.
After reading up on the subject I came to my own conclusion that porn was the real bad guy, not fapping. I should say that my relationship with porn may not have been as extreme as some people but it was certainly a crutch I leaned on. For instance I would masturbate daily and back when I was in a serious relationship I still watched porn. Looking back on it now is crazy.
Anyway, lets cut to the chase. Quitting porn has not been, in my experience, a total mind blowing revelation in that I have super powers or any of the stuff you read on reddit sometimes. It has been a very healthy and beneficial incremental journey so far for me though. If I could describe it it’s like I’m feeling better and better about myself slowly over time.
On nofap I was very emotional and had flatlines etc and it just wasn’t that enjoyable. Pornfree for the most part has been very easy for me. If I get really horny and I’m not meeting a girl this week or sex isn’t an option I fap. I imagine a naked woman and fap. I don’t feel ashamed after and I go about my business. No biggie. I should note that my fapping is down to a couple of times a week now. I feel like I have a healthy sex drive, a healthier self image and a healthier attitude to sex. It’s great.
And all in all that’s how I feel, great. I’m not hiding a nasty little secret and my baseline level of happiness has improved a lot.
So I know that nofap is popular and everyone is different and I am in no way an expert or anything but pornfree while still fapping is a very real option and it totally worked and is working for me.
I should note that pornfree is only a small part of a bigger picture. Maybe it was a catalyst though. I work out. I dress better. I’ve sorted my sleep out. I have started approaching women in the street. My business is getting going and I’m less hard on myself and my failings.
TLDR Pornfree while still fapping has been pretty easy for me and I’ll never watch porn again.
LINK – Off porn at least a month and I’ve learnt a bit
by somelaugh