So where to begin this timeless, touching redemption story of a relationship between a man and his penis? Well a good start would be how yesterday someone commented on how much weight I had lost recently, and yet don’t seemed drained. If anything I have more energy and seem to have a glow on my face. They asked me my secret, I said a proper diet and plenty of exercise, I left the part about quitting jerking off. Naturally.
Now the benefits of Nofap sounded like bullshit but there are reasons so many people keep bringing them up. For one thing most of us got hooked when we were super young (btw FUCK all this blame the problem on ourselves shit I see on here. About how we are the small percentage that used it to deal with our problems so now we have to face the consequences. 36% of men in Japan have no interest in sex, they’re also the most porn friendly culture. Internet porn is a fucking society wide issue not something that comes down to individual failure most of the time. Also lot of us were little kids when we first had access to this really hard to resist, really potent and really fucked up drug) anyway a lot of us were really young when we started so we spent a lot of our lives living under the shadow of porn addiction.
Our brains worked slower, our social skills were underdeveloped, our will power was non existent. And life was generally gray and dreary. We somehow managed to get through high school and college with it hovering above our heads. So basically living ordinary life was much harder and over time I guess you adjust to the amount of effort it takes to do a single workout or read the whole book. Then Nofap starts, you go through hell with withdrawal and then after you’re through with that phase bam! Something just happened where life is wonderous as a motherfucker. And you suddenly have all this willpower and approaching your goals are mad feasible now. Plus you have all this energy and vitality that makes you want to do something constructive with your time. Anyway that’s the story I keep hearing on here and I would generally agree that has been my experience as well.
Since starting Nofap I have severely cut back on all the bullshit. Facebook, TV (not counting PBS and things that actually enrich your mind and life), random scrolling, video games etc. you get the point. The time that has been freed up was filled with reading, learning guitar, how to dance, speaking spanish, working out and (I cannot stress how fucking amazing this last thing is enough) meditation. The combination of all these things with nofap result in making you seem like a very different person then you were 3 months ago.
I was at a party a few days ago and was shocked to notice that somehow my personality had magically changed from the awkward dude to this chilled out, friendly dude with a quiet (not arrogant) confidence and a booming voice. Plus, (and this is a major fucking relief!!!) all that fucking gross and weird shit you learned to get off to when you jerked off until your wrists broke becomes fucking weird and gross again, THANK GOD! The idea of plain sex becomes deeply provocative, as it should be. Also and this is fucking great news to me, I haven’t gotten laid during my time on nofap and I DON’T GIVE A SHIT! This is truly that dope shit. Just to clarify I’m not a virgin and have had hardcore sex imitating the porn I grew up on (serious disappointment! Porn sex sucks!!! Super uncomfortable, misogynistic and made to be watched and not enjoyed). But to be able to not care is such a burden off my shoulders, I don’t have to invent a bs reason to be depressed and worry about it constantly. And the consequent lack of desperation I would guess makes me more attractive. Also my views towards women have improved and will continue to do so. I’m really super proud of this, I’ve driven away some of the most amazing women I’ve ever met cause of porn and its bullshit and now I’m much more likely to experience healthier more stable relationships. Instead of being an entitled douchebag who feels like he’s been cheated and is crying over the fact that his SO didn’t swallow. SMFH.
Lastly, Nofap just gives you a different outlook on life. You realize how much of your life is under your control. It helps show you your own tremendous potential for change. Of how much of what we want and what we worry about isn’t even real. And it did help in setting me down the path of learning how much the state of ones own happiness is a product of the mind (but thats more cause of meditation). Anyway you are what you repeatedly do, don’t be a jerkoff. See you guys after another 90. Peace.
LINK – 90 day report, WHATUP!?
by Lewdseagull