Damn, what a journey it has been. If you were to tell me three months ago that; 1. I’d be running 6km twice a day, 2. That i’d finally give up porn and masturbation and most importantly that I would be training for an Amateur Boxing tournament. I would’ve certainly laughed at you.
Some people say that NoFap is pointless for someone of my age, I doubt that, PMO can be harmful to everyone, it doesn’t matter how old you are. I’ll be making a 90 Day report in 10 days,
The first few weeks were brutal but I kept myself occupied so there was simply no time for PMO. I’ve been running for years but I wasn’t consistent with it, I weight lift and walk loads too
LINK – 14 y/o, Almost at 90 days…
By Ziopsis
UPDATE – 14 Y/O. 100 Days. Defeated Social Anxiety, Performing well at Sports and School.
So, 100 Days ago, I relapsed, not only that my streaks were barely 5 days long. I made several posts during this journey if you want to know a little bit about me.
https://redd.it/4nw1vl – About 45 days in.
https://redd.it/4t8tsd – About 80 Days in.
https://redd.it/4v2m0t – 7 Days ago or so.
I have experienced a few benefits but the most notable of them all is that my crippling Social Anxiety is almost non existent. I give no fucks, no procrastination. Of course not all of these great things come from NoFap only. Along with that I also, Train 5 days a week (I box, and weightlift, but any exercise is good), I take cold showers, eat relatively clean and meditate. A lot guys my age spend all day fapping, staring at pixels all day long. What a sad way to live. Go talk to people, think of where you can be in a few months, never, ever give up.
Best of luck to you all.
So, school has been on now and this girl who I really did like some time ago has been trying to get my attention and validation again. But this time, I’m not so naive. I won’t play her games.
Anyway, even though I get considerably more attention from girls, guys seem more inclined to talk to me too. People who I barely know are starting conversations with me. Life is good.
Thanks all.