One year ago today, on May 11th 2015, I was browsing through YouTube videos, typical Monday night, waiting for everyone in my family to go to bed so I could PMO later. Me being into fitness I went on this one guys fitness channel, and one of his newest videos was about him starting the “nofap” challenge.
I watched the video and he was talking about how there were many benefits to doing this challenge. So after learning this I started looking up videos about no fap, and there was one particular video that I watched, that really made me decide to try this challenge. This guys YouTube name is Hebrewking29 NewBreed by the way, he’s got some really good videos on no fap. Anyway his video he made about the benefits of no fap caught my attention the most, and the thing that caught my attention the most was how no fap made you more attractive to woman. Finding this out I was fully motivated to try the challenge. So that night I took a shower, and told myself that tonight would be the last time I PMO’d. So I did. Then I was ready to start my new life.
I ended up lasting the whole summer without PMO and then a couple of months after that, bringing my streak to about 4 months. And let me tell you, those 4 months was probably the biggest learning experience I’ve had in my entire life. Of course, the side effect and withdrawal symptoms came, but I managed to push through and keep fighting. And of course, the benefits also came, as I wished them to, and I realized that nofap acually worked. When I first started the thing I was looking forward to the most was the attention from woman of course. And I got that. But after that I realized that there was way more to it than just attracting woman. It was mostly about finding who I am and growing up and starting to realize how much of a man I am becoming. Overall just making me a much happier person, and just ME being ME. That kid just a few months ago that used to jerk off to porn every single night was not ME. I felt like I had found myself. Then, I realized one of the most important things in my life had ever happened. I had finally established a relationship with God.
Growing up as a kid I was brought up in your typical Christian home, going to church every Sunday, praying before every meal, that type of deal. I didn’t understand much as a kid, and right around the time I started watching porn, I began to question my beliefs. Like “is God acually real?” And then to a brief point where only like a day or so, when I didn’t believe in him at all, but I quickly snapped out of that. But I still was unsure about my beliefs. One night, soon before I discovered no fap, I think I had just finished PMOing. I was laying in bed, all of a sudden I started praying. “God, if you are real, please show me something that makes me see it.” Then, sure enough, about a month or so later, I discovered nofap. But it wasn’t till about 4 months later when I realized that my prayers had been answered. God had put NoFap in my life, so I could be closer to him. Porn had made my faith very weak, and those inner demons held me prisoner for so long, but I was finally freed.
After my 4 month streak I had relapsed, and from there to present day I went on to have various streaks, some long, some short. But every streak I learned something new about myself that I didn’t before. I am currently on a 25 day streak now, and I don’t plan on relapsing anytime soon. I have this certain feeling in my body right now. A feeling of happiness and hope, I have only jade this type of feel one other time, and it was exactly a year ago, when first making my discovery. This past year has been the biggest learning experience of my entire life. I remember a year ago I thought to myself “I wonder what this nofap challenge is going to be like for me one year for now.” And now I know, that it’s been the one of the best things that has happened to me.
If you’re still reading this I would like to thank you for getting this far! And one last thing. To all the brothers and sisters out there struggling with PMO, I just want to let you know that it will get better, but only YOU have can make it better. Just keep fighting, pray, if you are into that, and don’t ever give up, no matter how many times you fail, or you relapse. A relapse is not a failure, you only fail when you choose to give up. Thank you, and I wish the best of luck to all of y’all!
I’m 17 and I was hooked on porn for about 3 years.
LINK – 1 year since I discovered NoFap, and what it’s done for me