Have you ever tought if there are long benefits of PMO? Let’s rationalise guys, there is absolutely no benefit, it’s not like it’s a neutral thing lIke you do it and it’s fine, it only destroys you and it destroys the best form of you that is waiting to go outside and impress everyone, even yourself. Trust me you will be admired about what you will be able to achieve.
I’ll give you my exemple. I discovered this in December last year, my longest streak so far was 40 days, and if there’s one thing that I’ve learned so far is that you can control your life if you want to, you are the protagonist of your life and you are the one that’s living it, now tell me why the fuck would you masturbate and completly ruin your “movie”? Jack off to other people having sex? Have you ever tought of how ridiculous that actually looks like? Picture yourself with your dick in your hand in front of a computer watching porn, isn’t that pitful? Exactly.
Now just back to my case really quick and smooth. I’ve been the shy, introvert guy around strangers, especially girls, when this school year started (I’m a junior), I was really depressed and unconfortable about everything (new school, new people, etc), I ended up “falling in love with a girl” (sort of) she replied me those feelings (not as much as I did) and after some time I was heartbroken, depressed a lot, but ended up here at NoFap.
And guess how my life has been going? I’ll resume it to you, school has been going great, awesome marks, I’m looking more handsome then ever (NoFap helped my acne and got me the motivation to workout), I’m confident as fuck you have no idea, no social anxiety at all, I feel like I’m long friend with everyone, no fucks given about what other people think of me,
I’ve been more passionate about everything, more emotional (PMO makes you a complete dick and indiferent for people feelings) and the girl I had a crush the one I felt in love with recently told me I’m a machine, that I was good at everything, she probably is interested in me.
I’m on a 19 streak, and I’ve just learned it now, you can control your life if you want to all it takes is a single step, stop procrastinating and wasting time (yes you guessed it, stop PMO), just do what you have to do to achieve the best of you, your full potential.
Were you born to resist or be abused?
TL;DR If you want to achieve your full potential, your true self NoFap is the answer, use your sexual energy on everything else that’s not PMO.
LINK – Why would you M? What’s the point? My “story”
by AcesNation