Age 18 – Happier, more energetic and extroverted, less acne


I had a 70+ day streak around November last year, but it went downhill from there on and I’ve been fapping through a lot of December and January. Now I’ve reached 30 days again and it’s time to evaluate the progress made here. Note, it’s not the things that are being talked about here commonly, like “so much attention from the girls”. Here comes…

  • Less acne on my face and my back.
  • I smell so much better with my nose. It was always stuffed and it felt like I had a permanent cold or something.
  • I’m generally happier during the day.
  • I sleep longer and thus have more energy to do stuff.
  • I actually do stuff now. Maybe still not the amount of stuff I want to, but still a lot more than I used to during fapping.
  • I’m less introvert and more extrovert now. Talking became easier and I also speak louder now. My social skills are still shit, so don’t let me start a conversation as of yet, because that won’t quite work.


Ofcourse there are some more things, but these are the major things I noticed. Not all is completely “thanks to NoFap”, but without NoFap, I wouldn’t have accomplished a single thing of this list right now.


I’ll continue this streak and hope to improve myself even more!

LINK – 30 days in – what I learned

By AnObsessedRedditor