I wanted to share with you all some of the “superpowers” as some say, that I have experienced in the past 71 days. Previously, all my attempts as NoFap would usually end at somewhere around the days in the 20s. My previous highest steak was 52.
Background Age: 21 Occupation: Student Home: Living with Family Years PMO: About 4
Benefit 1: Clearer Thinking I can honestly say that I can now think with much more clarity. I can understand others more vividly and best of all, remember things much better. During PMO, I would always be stuck in my head. This contributed too much anxiety for sure and held me from becoming a much truer version of myself.
Benefit 2: Finally Can Hold A Conversation This is one skill that YOU HAVE TO HAVE. Almost every day, we have to communicate with another individual. Without this skill, I used build lots of fear. Eliminating this fear, both you and the person that you are communicating can feel the vibe of your confidence of speaking. It sometimes even scary, others who hold on to this fear can be intimidated when they are confronted by another who has let go of this fear. I can sense the difference in my voice’s pitch and rhythm.
Benefit 3: Letting Go of the Bullshit Every day you will somehow deal with bullshit. This can consist of bad events or even people during your day. However, I realized that I can now push it aside and move on with my life. Consider if it is worth my time or not. Is it a catastrophe or a blip? If it’s a catastrophe, give it some thought. If it’s a blip, move on with your life.
Benefit 4: Focus Where It Should Be I have started to think of new big ideas and goals for the future. I use a daily planner called ToDoist that allows me to schedule my day and life now. I include everything in it. My day is planned to the hour. It helps keep me busy and look forward to the next task. I have four key sections with separate sub-sections in them. Below us more detail.
My ToDoist Sections Are: * Wealth: finance, businesses * Health: fitness, diet * Love: family, friends, relationships * Happiness: hobbies, self improvement
I think NoFap is something every individual should be doing. Also, while writing this entire article, I didn’t think about women once. Now I am not saying that this is a good thing or bad thing, but it just shows the level of concentration I have on becoming a better version of myself FIRST.
However, women, I can say, have been sneaking peaks a little more now a days. It could be because of my time at the gym or whatever.
Well, that all I have to share for now with all of you. Just remember one thing. Never Give Up.
LINK – Benefits At Peak Streak
By parmarh0