I’d never reached orgasm before with a girl which I thought was weird but took me a long long time to be curious and Google it. I would also suffer from not being able to get or sustain an erection about 50% of the time.
I am 22 and had numerous sexual encounters with women. I could still count these on just two hands however due to not ever wanting to be in a relationship or even casual relationship with a girl.
I started ‘using’ porn at the age of about 15 and gradually becoming more and more frequent. Up until 39 days ago I’d watch porn once a day while masturbating. I had no idea how this was directly affecting my sexual performance.
Thank fuck I learnt about this website and the others affiliated with it and tried it.
21 days ago I managed to attain and keep and erection being blindly drunk too! However I didn’t orgasm so I there was still work to be done. Last night however after 39 days no porn and 31 days no masturbating i had sex and FINALLY did what I was fucking designed to do and orgasm with a girl. I was fucking ecstatic and fucked her ten minutes later achieving another orgasm.
This morning was also successful so fucking hell if you could see the smile on my face it would convince you to stop watching porn and masturbating. It’s worth it. Anyway hope someone like me 39 days ago reads this and has the luck I have had.
There is fucking hope wankers! First post and hopefully one of the last posts too!
Peace, much love
LINK – Success on day 39!