25 now…started at about 12~13…became an avid user when I was 17… came to know I had ED when i was 20…when that relationship ended my sex life was basically a threesome with my hand and my computer. Then came across TEDx on the effects of porn and PIED, and I was hoping my case was PIED and not incurable ED…
So I had to try Nofap out more as a diagnostic tool … And it’s been an amazing nine months since.
Haven’t really had a chance to test the functionality of penis now…but If my morning boners are something to go by….the girls are in BIG trouble….
But why I quit is not why I’m going to keep going….the clarity …the over-clocked brain …. the boost in self esteem …the high productivity and sports performance boost… the fighter spirit… the general feel good about normal life…are some of the things i would have never seen coming but are very real and could have only been experienced once I started on this path…
the first 90 days it was all about staying focused, avoiding triggers and getting through the days…and then once I hit a 100 days something changed…I went on a vacation for a few weeks and when i came back the shift in focus was dramatic.
I used to come on this forum almost every day before that..and then after that it wasn’t a big deal at all to keep going …it became more like my natural state…and the next time i came back to this forum my badge read 250+ days and I’m like holy shit!!!…
As of now it’s nine months in and the last six months were a breeze…something that just came about organically without me doing anything for it…
now for those just getting in … get through the first three months…and after that you don’t even have to think about it….don’t look at the giant prospect of forever and be disheartened….just think 1 step…1 hour…1 day…1 week…1 month and before you know it you would have grown a giant oak of a streak…. Thank You…Good Luck…Have Fun….
LINK – 9 months in….How I got here…
By didgit