My boyfriend and I had noticed the sexual aspect of our relationship was becoming monotonous and a bit stale, that we were growing apart and had become quite distant in the terms of personal space and being touched romantically or sexually. I’ve been on and off NoFap for awhile but never stuck to it long enough to see real changes.
I’d caught him mid PMO a few times and after we talked about how frequently we were wanking and divided that by how many times we had actually been having sex we realised it wasn’t good.
So I suggested we give NoFap a go and honestly it was hard for the both of us, but then after a three weeks we noticed some changes, we started being more touchy, more generous and loving, our sexual relationship had become more passionate, the sex is more meaningful and frankly a LOT more pleasurable than it was.
We’ve noticed other parts of our relationship have become re energized. We seem to have more time for each other and generally have deeper conversations than we used to, we’ve started jogging together and are finding healthy ways to stop PMO.
I’d like to thank so many of people who I’ve been reading about on here and to say to those starting out it is so worth it and yes the fight is hard but the rewards are so very, very worth it.
I want to thank NoFap for saving my relationship with my boyfriend. Gay relationships seem to be so sexual, trying to find that balance is harder for us in my opinion.
I’m 26 and I’ve noticed that I’m more social with my friends than I was. I also want to engage in exercise and my hobbies more often.
LINK – Saved My Relationship
By Rumpassbuns