Today, I completed 90 days for the second time in my life.
I have a girlfriend so it was on soft mode, but it was a great journey. I’ve been putting it off for so long and couldn’t get a streak past 15 days. I promised myself I would try to go the whole summer without fapping, and I finally did it.
I am a totally new person. I have increased confidence, and this has carried over to my job, fitness, social life, etc. I went in with a plan and executed it perfectly. I plan on hitting 100 days, 1000 days, and hopefully an eternity.
Here a few things I changed in my life that helped me drastically
- Significantly reduced time spend on the computer. I also reduced the time I spent on my mobile device, since that has pretty much replaced my computer use lately. I would literally put my IPhone in my sock drawer after work and check it every 1.5 hours. I would hardly surf the web at all. I would only go on if I had a specific reason or something to look up.
- I spent as much time as possible outside of my apartment. Luckily I started June 1st, so it has been nice out. I would walk around my city check out cool new things to do. I would read a book in a park. I just made an effort to be in my apartment as little as possible.
- Lifting. This one was huge. I suggest going over to r/fitness and starting stronglifts or ice cream fitness. Read the sidebar. Whenever anyone asks me about fitness I refer them to that sidebar. It truly is gold. Ass in gym. At least 3 days a week. That gave me a strong purpose other than not touching my junk.
- Sunday Meal Prep. Check out /MealPrepSunday I try to do this as much as possible, but over the 90 days, I tried to cook as much as possible and only eat whole foods. I tried to do takeout as little as possible and get the healthiest thing on the menu. This led to a huge burst in energy, better gains at the gym, and mental clarity.
- Reading… I only read non-fiction during this time, but I found out how much time I have to read. Reading is literally stealing the thoughts of people older and wiser than you. Most of my friends don’t read at all, but it’s crazy not to. I commute 45 minutes to work each way via train so BAM..That’s atleast an hour and a half of reading I can easily get done each day.
- Limit Alcohol/Drugs…I am not a drug user anymore but I do enjoy alcohol. I tried to limit it originally for fitness reasons, but I realized many of relapses involved alcohol the prior night, so it was a two-fold reason. It also helped my social skills because I used to rely on alcohol when I went out and socialized. I will say it is very annoying to go out with drunk people. I avoided a few nights out, because I didn’t want to be in a loud club with drunk idiots.
- Focus on my professional career. I kicked it up a notch at work. Coworkers noticed, and my boss sure as hell noticed. They are scared and trying to bring me down, but that’s not gonna happen.
Thoughts and Goals
- I want to learn how to meditate and do it every day
- I want to play guitar everyday and get good at it
- I want to get bigger and stronger, and be able to bench press over 200 lbs
- This is so much more about not fapping. It’s about discipline and making a man out of yourself
- Anyone can do this..Go out and do things that scare you everyday.
- It all starts with little changes and tweaking some of your habits. Each little change makes a big difference. Start this today and commit to no fapping.
I am 28 and used porn for 14 years.
Let me know if you guys have any questions.
LINK – by nofapman1234
90 Days! Here’s what worked for me