Hey guys, I’m 29, I’ve been involved in the nofap community for about 2 years. I’ve probably had 4-5 streaks of over 10 days, the longest being 24 days. This time is so much different than before. A) I’m completely hardmode B) I also quit drinking at the same time, so I’m feeling pretty holy right now.
I started this streak the day after I quit my job 2 weeks ago. Within 3 days I landed my ideal bartending job 5 minutes from my house, started training within the week and then had 3 actual shifts this week. I KNOW for a fact that semen retention played a powerful role in my successful interactions during the interview process, during my training sessions (first impressions) and the amount of compliments and cash I’ve made in my first weeks ($700 in 3 shifts). I mean people are just throwing money at me. I can tell the single girls are in competition to see who gets the D first (douchy I know but it’s obvious)
In the gym, I have tied my PR on bench press which I wasn’t near a month ago, I PR’d my squats and perfected my form, and I feel like my waist has shrunk at least an inch. The hot girls at my gym are now actually making eye contact and mini smiles at me.
My little brother (24) and his girl live with me. He quit watching porn independently of me a few weeks ago. I’ve noticed our connection, which has always been strong we’re best friends, but it’s gotten 100% effortless and where we used to be pessimistic and a source of some anxiety towards each other, there’s a solid flow of positive energy we bounce off of each other.
Tips for you first weekers; don’t edge! don’t drink heavily! take a cold shower in the morning and kick today’s ass
Listen to guided meditations on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPB5ibiNhY4 and challenge yourself physically
I hope this motivates someone in need, if you stick with something eventually you will get something out of it. MUCH LOVE
LINK – To all you newbs
I completed 30 days of no booze, no masturbation. I have since drank twice in moderation, but plan to take more time off soon. The results I have got are INSANE
34 days ago, I got fired. I immediately quit drinking and jerking, and quickly got another restaurant job. I started hitting the gym hard. I showered in ice cold water every single morning. I have a better recovery system now, better sleep, hydration and nutrition.
I pulled the hottest girl at my work on day 30. She actually asked me out for a drink.. She has literally told me she loves me and has been at my house since 1/1.. We are both each others type physically but I felt such a strong mental connection with her before we had sex that we are both convinced we are soul mates (she initiated that convo although I’ve felt everything she has) We are both 29 (she’s asian so she looks like she’s 21) and she emphatically says this is the best sex she has ever had.. She also told me most of the girls at my work have verbally admitted to thinking I’m really hot.
I’m going to try to upload before and after pics in an edit in a sec, but I’ve put on prob 5 lbs of muscle but I look way more toned, and I’ve been foam rolling to increase functionality among my muscles.
Questions or Comments feel free, I’d love to encourage any of you to get to this spot. It is extremely liberating.