So last night for the first time in a long time my wife and I had great sex. I won’t go in to details, but I am so thankful to the nofap community. Yes it does work. My problem was I couldn’t even get an erection, not even with porn. That didn’t stop me from fapping with a flaccid penis. I needed the high. So I gave up fapping and porn in January.
Results were slow. Getting hard and having sex for 3 seconds, then 10 seconds, then a minute was slow, but worth it.
So last night we finally had sex like we used too. We didn’t make love, we fucked. The damn that was caused by embarrassment and disappointment burst. So yes this works. I also read the Orgasmic Male and it helped a lot as well.
That all for now. Cheers and good luck on your journey.
LINK – Update/ Some sucess
BY – wisecarevice
INITIAL POST – I am someone you never notice
I am 34 years old. Married to a beautiful woman that I can’t have sex with and feel little love for. The truth is when we first started dating I treated her like a porn star. I used her for her body. Why? Well I’m addicted to porn. It wasn’t some overnight thing. My parents got me my first playboy when I was 12. When I was 13 we got internet (dial-up). Then later high speed.
My taste in porn just kept getting more violent, and hardcore. I knew I had a problem so I tried to stop. Over and over and over. I would always go back to porn. I would rather fuck my hand then my wife. My ex used to walk around naked and I mostly ignored her. I can’t go back in time but as I look towards the future I have hope.
I haven’t watched porn in several weeks (not really counting the days). I masturbated once because after 12 days my wife and I decided to have sex. She gave me a bj and I got rock hard. I stuck it inside of her and 2 thrust later I blew my load. It was a lot of cum but no pleasure and just embarrassment for me.
I want to feel again. I want to feel love for my wife again. I don’t want to hide my online activity from anyone. I want to be social and healthy. So I quit porn and stopped masturbating all together. I also decided to eat better and to cut back video gaming. I want to quit video games as the dopamine I get from them may be too much.
I am so glad for this site. I will try to post regularly whether anyone reads my post or not. Its to help me heal.