I used to only be able to get it up with masturbation and specific porn videos. Now I can get rock hard within seconds from just my thoughts alone. Thanks /r/nofap !
Also, measuring by effects, how do I know when I’m completely reset?
LINK – Cured my ED!
After a long time of half-assed NoFap, I did Monk Mode (at least that’s what I think it’s called, I wouldn’t even let myself listen to sexual music) and did a 3 day streak, then a 24 day streak, and now I’m on a 6 day streak.
I’m very suprised at how quickly it worked for me, I definitely think I am an outlier. *Then again, in the past 33 days, I’ve had literally 0 outlets for sexual desires, other than 2 quick M sessions. That may have been a factor too.