120 days ago I was an absolute nervous, anxious, depressed wreck. My life had no meaning and I couldn’t even think of getting out of bed in the morning. No job, no friends, nothing. First month was hard, second month slightly less hard. After that things just went their own way and I stopped counting. After the second month or so my self control reached insane levels. I can read for hours now.
And if I have work to do? No more procrastinating, instead I have this unrelenting urge to do it NOW and get it done. I’ve become so much more productive, so much better at planning and thinking long term. Sleep? It’s almost become optional at how dedicated to getting shit done I am now.
I had to do a project last week. I planned what was supposed to be just the “draft” the day before. People couldn’t believe what was supposed to be just a “draft”, I had written in under 4 hours. By the time we were done my draft was better and more thorough than the end result of most other teams.
Then there is the number of friends I’ve made. My mood, wit and energy are all better. But I don’t think they’re as important as the fact that people just like me now, for no other reason I can think than nofap. 120 days ago I’d disgust people, they resented being near me, especially women. They just fucking hated me. Now people just stare at me constantly, looking for excuses to talk to me. And even if I say the same socially awkward weird shit I said 120 days ago, people just don’t care, they laugh and look for excuses to be around me.
And then there is the ladies. Holy shit do they look for excuses to be near me. Always touching me and telling me I smell nice. HAS to be pheromones.
Besides nofap I haven’t really made any changes. No exercise, no cold showers. Still eat mostly unhealthy, though that’s changing. Still watch tv shows all day, though there are entire days I spend reading now. Not because I force myself to read, but genuinely because my brain now is more interested in it.
Seriously, the benefits creep up on you very slowly and very gradually and they do keep getting better and better. I feel way better now than on 60 days and even markedly better than on 90 days.
I know there are no superpowers, and this is supposed to be the natural state of mind. But in a world where every guy I know seems to be in some weakened state of mind, I feel like I’m in absolute godmode. Seriously I don’t know anyone with the mental stamina or willpower even close to what I have, making me think PMO is a serious problem for almost any guy, whether they know it or not.
Oh, then there is my memory. I never really had memory problems like other guys here have. It always was relatively sharp. But after 60 days it reached almost photographic levels, where I can quote entire paragraphs I read only once from memory. Again, I don’t think this is supposed to be a super power. I think this is what human memory is supposed to be outside of its drug addled state.
Anyway, way things are going I can’t fucking wait for 6 months to see the difference.
TLDR: Fucking Godmode!
LINK – 120 Days bitches!