Like many of you, issues with ED at a young age brought me to r/pornfree. I was in a relationship for about 6 months before I had finally had enough and decided to make a change and quit porn.
From my experience, there is no overnight cure to PIED. It will get gradually better, but it will be up and down. One night you may become fully aroused, the next: nothing.
Knowing this, just because you start getting better does not mean you are cured! It’s very easy to get cocky and start watching porn again. Doing this will just put you back where you began.
I got to the point in my last relationship where only about 1 out of every 20 times hooking up, I couldn’t get hard. After we broke up, I though I was cured and went back to old habits. After about a month of porn and being single, I went for a rebound and had PIED again.
Learn from my mistake. Don’t let the slightest taste of success cause you to be complacent. Keep with your goals and end the habit for good.
LINK – To those with PIED
by papaburger