Quitting porn has made me more confident and open towards women, which is something I did not think was possible

I just found out that the girl I had a crush on for the past three years liked me back this whole time, and thanks to quitting porn (and masturbation) I was finally able to make a move on her and ended up making out a couple of times.

However, I have no idea how to feel about this. Naturally, I feel flattered to find out the crush was mutual.

On the other hand, I feel like I could have potentially spent so much more time with her over the past few years if I had had the confidence to talk to her, and that I’ve completely ruined my chance at a relationship with her. After graduating high school this summer, I moved to a different country to attend university there. I’m only back in my home town during the weeks surrounding new year’s eve. Considering this, I think it would be unhealthy for the both of us to try to make it work. This is why I encourage everyone (including my future self) to talk to the person you like. Rejection is instantaneous and relieving, whereas regret is long-lasting and saddening.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, quitting porn has made me more confident and open towards women, which is something I did not think was possible until just now.

Don’t wait until tomorrow to make a positive change in your life.

LINK – An eye-opening encounter with a longtime crush

By DevilishBagels